I have been previously advised that my income and expenditure statement needs to include my partners salary and whole household expenses as we live together.
My partner has had a pay increase and my debts were incurred before we moved In together.
What is the best way to protects my partners disposable income as I don’t want her to be penalised for my debt position.
Apart from a couple of firms who use household income to calculate the IVA payment, the actual payment is based on your income only. The reason they need her income is to calculate her fair share of household expenses. For instance, if she earned twice the amount you did, she would be expected to contribute twice as much as you do towards things like rent and food.
If she refuses to divulge her income ( as she is perfectly entitled to do) they will assume a 50 / 50 split of expenses.
However, if the IVA has been drawn on household income and your partner contributes to the payment, then that would be a different matter.
My opinions are merely that .. opinions based on experience. Always seek professional advice.
IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014
So in my renewed statement could She refuse to declare her earnings even though she has done before. I assume as they have never asked for proof of her earnings that mine isn’t a household IVA.