Hi im chris, im in the army just doing my review im wantin to know what I can put down for food clothes etc sou sent me a spreadsheet with all the figures on when i did it last yr. is the one on this site i can look at? thanks
i dont know my last yrs figures they sent me the figures from when i started the iva in 2006! I wasnt even in the army then. No im not a client of yours can i ask them for the figures from last yrs review?
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
I got my knuckles rapped last year for issuing CCCS guidelines on this website, so I am afraid I cannot help you with the trigger figures this year - however your own IP ought to be able to provide these details if you ask them.
Don't be swayed by guidelines however, and put your case forward on the basis of what you actually spend.
When I was in the Army I spent a fortune on additional clothing and kit which was essential but not on issue. So do make sure that your provide for all these items when submitting your revised figures.
yes kit costs a lot of money also travelling home on train at weekends costs me 80pound a time they was understanding with me last yr hopefully they the same again
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
another couple of questions when i joined the army i had to have a variation for 6 month well i was in basic training because my wage was very low so so they reduced my payments by 100 pound for 6 month to 117. and in my previous job before i joined the army i was put on short time so they reduced them then so they added another yr onto my iva which didnt bother me. but have worked out i have made 43 payments at 217 a month and by the 60 month point i will have achieved the 39p didvidend on the 20k i owed so should i still have to pay in that 6th year?
and when i spoke to my iva provider a yr ago they said quite a few creditors have not even claimed the money what happens to these if they have not claimed the money?
I cannot advise on case specific items Chris, as I do not have detailed knowledge of your case. So it is best if you arrange to speak to your own IP soonest.
With regard to the unclaimed sums, if they have been excluded from ranking for dividend, your other creditors will benefit from the monies they should have received.