i claimed mine , well the credit card ones whilst in year 2 of my IVA.
Received about 2k over the year and i was allowed to keep it all. I was surprised the banks offered to refund it to me directly but once they did i'm not going to complain.
Then my IP allowed me to keep it result.
I'm hoping they will get a move on with the overdraft charges case that's about a year late.
I stand to make about 6k on that.. Not that i'm even expecting to a) receive it or b) be allowed to keep it all.
All i'd say is if you don't ask you don't get.
£35 court fees x 3 for £2000 back . Reeeesult.
I should add that the 6 year thing with bank charges is now debatable.
Check out
www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk who have a bank charges section. You'll find all you need there.