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Post by ThriftyWitch » Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:07 pm
Hi Sam, thank you for your words.
It was Sam I emailed and the responce came back from William as if the email was intended for him.

Myself and Sam were worried as to who he was to begin with. Now we have established William is geniune, I feel better. There is a small issue regarding the ethics of responding to someone elses email (ie: reading something not intended for you and engaging in conversation) however, if William thought the email was FOR HIM, then I can see he may of just been responding. I did say to him in the email (as above) that 'I assumed I was talking to a female called Sam' and he just said 'weird huh?' still find it a little bizarre but again, alls well with me.

Sam, I will respond to your email in the morning now hun, my head hurts and my kids are playing up, gonna ring their blooming necks [:I][;)][^]

Thanks all[:X]
Trying to be thrifty!


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Post by Hammie1 » Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:12 pm
Hi ThriftyWitch

That's fine - I still agree that the overall email was a bit wierd!!!!

My kids just been put to bed. I think they start feeling the tension of everything. I'm actually not feeling well myself, probably, like you, got myself worked up about this. So I am now going to log off and go to bed. Hope to catch you tomorrow.

Sam [:)] xx
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Post by Shining » Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:19 pm
I'll confirm with others that William is genuine and I spoke to him at a meeting once. Not sure what's happened here and hopefully it won't happen again, don't go thrifywitch or Hammie, you're both valued members of the forum. xx
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Post by kallis3 » Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:33 pm
Not sure what has happened here but hopefully Admin will sort this out.
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