Hi, firstly I'd like to say a huge thanks to the members and experts on this forum, reading all the advice on here has helped me through the last long, hard 5yrs 6mths of my IVA.
I apologise if this has already been asked and answered, it concerns subrogation.
My ex husband has paid a small joint debt in full and PayPlan has said that this falls under the subrogation rule. It was a very acrimonious divorce and I have no idea where he is so can't contact him (if I'm honest I don't really want to if I can possibly avoid it).
So my question is, will this hold up the completion of my IVA? I'm due to make my final payment on 22nd April and hoping to get my completion certificate about 6 weeks after.
The person I spoke to at Pay Plan said she'd make a note on my file that I have no way of contacting him and pass it through to the completion team, but I am worried about it all the same. The amount is about £250.
If they don't have his contact details and he hasn't lodged a claim it won't affect your closure as they will advertise the dividend and give a deadline, after which he will be omitted from being able to take part in the dividend.