We have submitted a full and final offer on our joint IVA and before I submitted the offer I rang to check the procedure and was told by a staff member who wasn't my case worker that a letter making the offer as a gift with the actual signed letter as an attachment would be fine. I asked about adding a note that any future payments made after the offer was put in be deducted from the final sum but was told they can't do this. A payment suspension was offered to be put on straight away but I said I'd better wait and we agreed it made more sense when we knew the offer was available.
Having now put the offer to them via email my usual caseworker has replied:
Thank you for your email.
The offer from the third party also has to be a separate offer for each of you from the £xxxxxxx.
The request for the meeting with the offer would need to be a separate offer for each of you and needs to outline clearly the funds each.
Once we know how the funds are to be divided in terms of what the offer is for each of you are we may take the next steps. We may need the Supervisors permission to approach creditors with your request.
On the run up to a creditors meeting creditors would expect the payments to be maintained. However, if you felt that you are not in a position to do this we would need to discuss options e.g payment holidays. Please note can take approximately three months to hold a creditors meeting of this nature
Is this correct? I have never heard of having to make two seperate offers on a joint IVA? Most of the debts are joint but there are some individual ones. If we do have to put in seperate offers how would we work the teo amounts out and would this then mean two creditors meetings? Two smaller sums of money are unlikely to look as tempting as on e larger sum.
Also am I entitled to a payment break for this or will they then say if you can afford to pay you have to keep making the payments? We are paying nearly 550 per month so I would not want to pay this in addition to the offer? Can anyone help please as I have never read about this scenario in my research? If I need to do a new thread let me know but it does follow on from my previous post.