Before my IVA I had accounts with quite a few online retailers, Amazon, Dabs, etc. Because of this I would order things online for friends and work colleagues over the internet, DVD’s, computer games etc. They would give me the cash straight away which was great - interest free cash for a month with no cash machine withdrawal fee. Of course, I can no longer do this as I don’t have any credit cards. They do accept debit cards, but I don’t have that sort of money in my current account now. A work colleague, who I had done this for before, asked me today if I would order a DVD Box Set for them as they didn’t have an account with and they remembered that I had done so before. What did I say to them? Of course I will, no problem! I was hardly going to tell them that I couldn’t as I’m in an IVA and don’t have any credit cards anymore. To cut a long story short, I ordered it on my debit card as having just been paid, I still had enough money in my current account to cover it and I will put the cash from them in my account tomorrow. I think what I’m trying to say is that my IVA has been going smoothly for almost 4 months but something like this really brings it home to you what situation you are in. No one else apart from my wife knows about my IVA and I intend to keep it that way. I hope what I’ve written makes sense!