Hi there
Skippy knows I agree with her ,if you dont have a lot if dd's then t the account is probably not worth it, if you do and on different dates it is all put aside and you know your bills are paid and it is nice not to think about it. After spending years trying to keep track of your account, this ac takes that away, whats in your account is yours. The charge I see what people dont like but how many have a tsb select account that charges I think £8.00 a month. You cant go overdrawn you cant get charges, one oversight with dd at the bank can cost you £70 the bank will charge and so do the company whos debit gets returned and that nothing to going overdrawn for a week.
I did have the comment once that you should take control of your money, I think I did, I chose to have an account that keeps me on track and is teaching me to look after my money, because whats in the second account is what I know I have to live on and budget with. Stress free is what I want and for me thats what it is.
Skip the only time I have to wait to get through is occasionally at the beginning of the month and that is because their calls go up then due to excessive calls after pay day. Also yes the music is still horrible on the phone.
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