Two of the companies i owe to have never applied to be included within my IVA although i did include them within my original proposal. i believe it is these two companies who have informed that i have defaulted on my payments as noted on my credit report. Do i need to contact them directly, bearing in mind i have been within my IVA for two years now? Will this also mean my credit report will be ammended?
I would imagine that they just didn't vote. As long as they were included in the proposal you have nothing to worry about as they are bound by the IVA.
Your credit report won't be amended at the moment, but as your record is shot for six years anyway you needn't do anything until the end.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
As the other have said,dont worry about this,as its not up to you to chase creditors to stake a claim. As for credit files its really not worth the paper its printed on until you are nearing the end of the 5 year point.
Discharged today the 8th feb 2012. View is much brighter now.
Continuing to rebuild our credit worthiness.
Get your IP to confirm why they have not claimed - there has to be a reason for this and if they do not claim they will not receive their dividend payments.