It may do to take into account her needs. Speak to your IP to clarify this.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
I don't know - contact them before she gets this allowance and see what their stance is. Is it guaranteed?
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
Thu Sep 03, 2020 5:28 pmLahoretiger wrote:
So the carers allowance my wife will get for my daughter will be offset ?
As I say, if your wife's income has not been taken into the IVA payment, then any allowance she gets will not be of interest to your IP. As Kallis says, you need to clarify this with Stepchange. We can only guess as we have not got your paperwork to examine.
My opinions are merely that .. opinions based on experience. Always seek professional advice.
IVA Completed 23rd July 2013 .... C.C. 10th January 2014
I don't know how your IP works so you do need to speak to them.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
If they ask you would have to supply them but we don't know and it is best you speak to your IP
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
They will probably assume that she contributes half of the household expenses.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.