When I was in my IVA we still went on holiday each year to Florida, thanks to my mother and my father in law. I think without this to focus on each year life would have been close to unbearable. I also had this forum and spent many a long evening posting, often until gone midnight.
Life is tough in an IVA, make no mistake, especially if you are salaried with no overtime etc, however the end result is well worth the hardship.
Life the other side of an IVA ? wonderful !!
Yes, way back in 2006, we had Dominic, Freelili, Scaredkez and yourself,amongst others, as regular posters and I was posting as Neverending.
I've been married twice, second time for 23 years. Have one daughter aged 22, two step kids and three step grandchildren with another on the way. We have three dogs - small, medium and large!
We don't do a lot socially, mainly because we have no spare money, but also because we like staying at home. The computer is my main hobby - particularly the forum.
I lost a lot of weight over the last 18 months due to gastric bypass surgery and now keep fit by walking the dogs and doing the Wii fit.
Love music, usually rock and metal and loathe karaoke!
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
I live with my husband, 2 cats and a dog. Both my daughters have flown the nest, although at times I think they've forgotten that little fact![:D] We are blessed to have 3 gorgeous granddaughters and nothing gives me greater pleasure than to have all my girlies together. We're lucky to live in a beautiful area of Wales and are near the coast[8D]
We've had some rough times since starting the IVA and it was this forum and the special friends I've made, that kept us going. Now hubby has been discharged from BR, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 2 more years of IPA and we're free.
Spare time is spent at the footie, walking Dobby and at the moment helping friends with CV's and advice.
Dave - you must get a dog..I was dead against it, but now I couldn't imagine life without Dobby. I'm sure our cats can though[:D]
All in all, I'm a very lucky person to have my family and life [:)]
What a great post. I'm happily married to steven - my rock . We've 2 gorg boys aged 9 and 4 and a ginuea pig. Yep i'm outnumbered here!!! We've a wonderful circle of friends who we both love to socialise with and blessed with a great family. We've had a lot of support from this forum which has helped us gain strength to carry on as the IVA is our closely guarded secret as we prefer it that way. Being in this process as brought our little fanily unit even closer together .Didn't think it was possible to be anymore so
Last edited by Struzzo39 on Wed May 26, 2010 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It is hubby who makes the jam. Bring your empty jar back to FF and there will be more!
I would not be without my dogs. We're lucky that hubby is retired and so they are not left alone for too long.
We have plenty of places where we can walk them.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
Never bother with anniversaries personally, or Valentines Day. We do birthdays and Christmas but it's usually cards these days as there is nothing we want (or can afford!)
Whilst I love my daughter to bits, and am very fond of my step family, I prefer it when it's just us and the dogs, and so does hubby.
We're getting very selfish in our old age!
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
My two dogs keep me going, they are dauchounds (sausage dogs) I would be lost without them plus they keep my fit, what makes me laugh is come 7.30 every night they both go crazy cause they know its chew time. Lol so funny.
Tell me about it! My three are a Lurcher, a staffie cross and a Jack Russell.
They know the time for walks and food and when it's time for us all to go to bed. I'd love to know how they do it!
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
Thats so true Kallis its amazing isnt it, do they have some kind of time clock..lol. I used to have a Jack Russell they are great dogs, does yours play football? mine did.
We have only had Topsy for a couple of months (rescue) she is about 9 months old and loves playing with anything! I've spent part of this afternoon sewing up her newest toy and then watching her trying to rip it apart again!
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
If I won the lottery I'd open a santuary for all rescue dogs. Sounds about right my 2 are exactly the same they rip new toys and yes I have to sow them up also but to find a few hours later the stuffing is all over the place, lol. but its there toys.