my ex husband entered into iva before we divorced. The iva said he had to sell his flat and he'd live in a house we bought during marriage, it was in his name. The Judge said that when the iva was over I could then go back to court to get a share in that house. But 2 days ago he went bankrupt and isusing the flat as his address. There is no contact between us, but where does his bankrupcty now leave me? Many thanks
You may need legal advice for this but if he has gone bankrupt there is either no equity in the property or it will be sold for the benefit of his creditors.
His interest in the property will vest in his Trustee who will want to realise the best price for creditors from a sale or third party offer. If you have a claim against the property, you should contact the Trustee and lay out the terms of your claim in writing. Legal advice, as Michael has already pointed out, is definately worth looking into.