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Post by abbiesmum2003 » Sun May 26, 2019 3:47 pm
I found that really hardto do Kallis.....when we were in significant debt we didnt spend anything. We didnt have it to spend.
I didnt list things like hairdressing or what i felt was ‘excessive shopping’ even though wed struggle to go a week for food! I didnt list things like clothing or footwear, meals for work. And Petrol we were putting £5-£10 in as and when we could. Id walk places to save fuel to get to work. Its really hard to list what you spend at the start because you dont have it to spend. I needed my IP to tell me what I was genuinely ‘allowed’ to have. She pretty much doubled the figures of what i thought we spent. And so grateful for that.


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Post by kallis3 » Sun May 26, 2019 3:59 pm
I did hairdressing, meals for work. Couldn't walk to work (too far). Very frugal as regards meals (hubby is a good cook). Also dental and prescriptions. Pet insurance was also included (we had 3 dogs at the time )
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
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Post by nicola715 » Sun May 26, 2019 4:31 pm
Meals for us are fine, i cant cook nut hubby can make a meal out of anything. The issue is the kids. The eldest is allgeric to something - we dont know what despite numerous food diaries so when it starts he needs something else when the piriton kicks in. We basically need 2 dinners for him each night.

I honestly dont know whats classed as luxury and whats not. Before coming here i 100% would have said hairdressing was luxury.

Another thing is ive had to go down to 4 days a week and this is my 1st month on that pay so only this pay slip will reflect that

At the minute an iva seems too good to be true. Cant believe im saying that. 6 months ago i wouldnt have considered an iva. Head was well and truly in the sand


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Post by abbiesmum2003 » Sun May 26, 2019 7:10 pm
Hairdressif seems a luxury when bills takenover life but its actually classed as an essential and an allowance made within your budget for it.
Medication for kids wont get an allowance as prescription are free but if paying out for frequent antihistimes and additional food meed to add a few quid on.
Dont do yourselves out of something in order to have more for IVA....this is your chance to get it right moving forwards. As long as nothing is extravagant and unrealsistic it would usually get passed.
So £50 on fags might be seen as excessive (im not a smoker so that might be ok but just as an example!!!!) but £50 on 2 childrens clothes/shoes would be allowed (if you then spend £20 on the kids and £30 on fags thats up to you). An IVA does sound ‘too good to be true’ sometimes but it is hard work and to finance ‘life’ in a tight budget is blinking difficult especially if your budget hasnt been set quite right and youve forgotten to include things.
You have to plan ahead for events, Rather than rely on credit but its do-able.
We had a new baby during our IVA. Survived 6 christmas’s, goodness knows how many birthdays and school trips. Still even managed holidays (in the UK and self catering!)


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Post by kallis3 » Mon May 27, 2019 9:24 am
Some companies do allow for cigarettes.

I did and still do, online surveys, it funded birthdays and Christmas for me.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
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Post by mumof3 » Wed May 29, 2019 6:14 am
They should help you with your allowances. We have have allowances for entertainment, sports and hobbies. I did not think this would be allowed at all but it means we can pay for our kids to have swimming lessons and karate.
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