Can anyone tell me what the consequences are if I stop my July payment to the CCCs(va) this month. I have spoken to them at my annual review a couple of months ago about this but they wouldn't sanction it as it wasn't an emergency.
It's my 25th anniversary very early in July and I'd really like to take the Mrs out for the weekend. Nothing too expensive but obviously money isn't about any more. At present I am up to date with payments but am paying an additional £6.00 per month over the remaining period because of pay inreases last year.
I want to cancel my DD this month only and play catch up.
It is highly unlikely that your IVA would be in jeopardy as a result of one missed payment but doing so without the consent of the IP can lead to problems later. I appreciate that you want to celebrate your anniversary but the IP cannot sanction a payment break for this reason.
If there was an emergency such as a boiler, cooker or vehicle problem your IP could allow a break but otherwise their hands are effectively tied.
I would not advise that either - what if you cannot make up the payment or something comes up.
Why not just buy some nice cheap flowers and do a lovely meal at home - she will still love you the same and it is the thought that counts and when you finish the IVA you can do something very special then.
The problem with that option is that some mortgage companies will charge up to £40 per month until the arrears have been repaid unless the payment break was sanctioned.
I don't think they are allowed to do that any more as of Monday just gone. New legislation came in forbiding mortgage companies from charging fees/fines if a repayment plan has been set up.
As much as I support your desire to treat your wife - I am afraid if I were your supervisor I would not be able to sanction the missed payment for such reasons.
Wait and treat your wife when you are debt free the time away you spend will feel so much better knowing that you are paying for it. Do something speacial for you wife that doesn't cost the earth give her 'time tokens' agree you will spend x amount of time doing something for her, i.e. 1hour massage, give her breakfast in bed, anything you think she will like.--just an idea
Nothing you can buy feels as good as not being in debt.
I know when we have contacted DFD for a reduced/payment break we have had tpo give a 'just' reason eg, emergency with car etc.
Speaking as a woman I would prefer little things all day. In fact I would like all of them on Jans list.
mmm, may have to speak to my husband! I am sure that whatever you do, your wife will be happy.x
Its now time to start living and to make some some wonderful memories!
Read my blog at 'Aiming for the finish line'
I know it is a special occasion and you want to spoil your wife, but it's not a good idea to withold your payment and I'm sure she will understand that it's not possible at the moment.
We will be celebrating ours during the IVA and whilst we might go out for a meal, that will be it. We will save the big celebrations until we have completed.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.