Yearly Update!

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Post by yahwob » Mon Feb 28, 2011 9:50 am
Hi all,

Two years now since I started my self run DMP with my three creditors. It's all still going well, I'm still on a much reduced Interest rate with Barclcaycard and Tesco's no interest at all with Sainsburys credit card.

When I started this I owed a total of £18,309 to Barclaycard and Sainsburys and I now owe them a grand total of £14,646. It's a bit harder to work out how much I still owe tesco's but it's less than £10,000 now so I started off owing approx £30,000 and it's now down to less than £24,000.

Still a long way to go I know but I'm fairly upbeat about it as I'm now paying more off each month than when I started so I calculate that in 4 to 5 years I would of paid off the debt and maybe earlier than that as I intend to make an early sttlement figure in a couple of years time once I get the debt down further.

I'm still running the whole thing myself, dealing with the occasional reviews by the creditors etc and havn't had any problems, in fact all the creditors still seem very laid back about the whole thing really, I just negotiated a review with Tesco for example and although I filled in a fairly detailed expenses form they never asked for any kind of documents to back up what I completed, wage slips P60's etc. Just seems a bit strange bearing in mind what I read about the guys on IVA's having to supply all sorts of documents, I've never had to provide proof of anything, they just seem to take my word for the facts and figures I give them.

Anyway although I'll be very happy to get this debt off my back and it's still a while away at least I can see I'm moving in the right direction :)


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Post by ginger3232 » Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:36 pm
Hi Yahwob - glad the DMP in working well for you. Its been said on here Zillions of times there is not one solution that "fits all"

Glad your creditors are being laid back and frozen the interest, unfortunately this does not happen all the time and IVA is then, the only realistic way forward.

None of the debt solutions are an easy option(despite what you read in some Newpapers).

Wish to well in finishing your DMP & to a debt free future


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Post by kallis3 » Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:30 pm
Excellent news yahwob. So glad that your DMP is still going ok for you. Hope it continues to do so.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
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