Evening all, warm night. Ahem. Well i wish i was the bearer of good news, nothing awful has happened mind you. The saga with my heart continues. I am being kept a very very close eye on, in and out of A&E like a yo yo, but still manage to land back home again. Some days i feel fantastic, and others i can barely make it to the shop without getting breathless, which is 5 mins away.I am not allowed to cycle, as i faint, another story, one which involves a cup of coffee and my new apartment's walls,slippers, and lino. I swim but bob about like lost turd after about half a length.I cannot walk and talk on the phone anymore, i have to sit and chat, whilst dribbling into my incontinence pads, whilst avoiding getting my tartan electric one slipper wet. And so..... My heart is being medically remodelled at the minute,to see whether any drug regime can reduce the size of it, my angina is under control, which is good, cause that frightened me quite a lot. Waking up at 3am with chest pain and sweating is a bit whoeeeerrrrr. Yet still i remain in pretty good spirits,i've learned that any emotional stress,puts me into heart failure very quickly and off i am again in A&E. Family life is fabulous, my daughter, such a treat, though i have passed on the condition to her, friends are my air, my life. I know what is coming soon, and i'm totally prepared for it, once that mechanical valve is in, i will be like a new person. I wish i didn't have all the other rhythm problems to go with it, as it makes things much more complicated. IVA as far as i am concerned is deader than i, and once i get everything back, and i mean everything i can get the hospital social worker to sort things out. ( get me ) I am off work indefinately. My days are filled with very early mornings,and walks in the park, babysitting, reading books, and visiting museums. I am officially old. Much fondnest to all.