Generating Income
For many people looking to increase income due to rising costs and debt repayments, the idea of maximising income has already been fully explored. However it may just be that we need to re-visit options and possibilities that might be open to us.
whilst many opportunities have stopped, it may be that at least by flagging up our availability, our employers may surprise us with some extra paid work.
Second job
for some people we are only just short of enough income and a part time extra job may make all the difference. Seasonal work may be a way of increasing income - fruit picking, Christmas temping, election vote counters, school exams invigilation.
if we have a spare room, and can cope with the thought of someone else sharing our property, a lodger may provide extra revenue needed to bridge the gap between our income and outgoings.
Benefit provision
over £12billion in unclaimed benefits exist. These include income support (£2bn), pension credit (£2.8bn), housing benefit (£3.1bn), council tax benefit (£2.4bn) and JSA (£1.95bn). This is estimated to be over 7 million people
Changing bank account
some banks will offer a cash incentive to switch to them. As one supermarket puts it, 'every little helps'.
Reclaiming bank charges/PPI
for many people, especially those in hardship, it's still possible for many to get years of charges adding up to £1,000s back. You may be able to reclaim £1,000s on PPI yourself, easily, for free.
Online market research
your opinion matters. Find out more about such schemes and be rewarded for providing feedback. Mystery shopping is another potential money earner. See online for opportunities.
there are countless ways to sell off items that are no longer required from the traditional car boot sale and ebay accounts to recycling projects and even renting your car or parking space or just your story!
And there are more. Try 'income generating tips' into a search engine and discover new opportunities!