Guide on homelessness
What are the options if you are homeless?
The council has a duty to attempt to accommodate certain people who find themselves homeless.
Areas Covered
- The criteria for re-housing include
- Clarification of what it means to be Homeless
- Clarification on what being a priority means
- Clarification of what it means that you have intentionally made yourself homeless
- You will not be classed as being homeless intentionally due to the following
- What if I am intentionally homeless with dependent children?
- Clarification of a local connection with the area
- Clarification on what it means to be eligible for Assistance
- The Council Guidelines towards extent of assistance.
- Guidelines for Bed and Breakfast accommodation
- How do I apply for my accommodation assistance?
- Is it possible to reject what the council has to offer?
- Will the council look after my possessions?
- Is there anything I can do if the council cannot assist me?
- How to challenge the council's rejection
- How does the waiting list work?
- What are the priority groups on the waiting list?
- Can I complain if I think I should be viewed differently on the priority list?
- Can a housing association help me?
- The Use of a Private Landlord
- Will I receive help regarding any deposits?
- Will the Council assist me with rent payments?