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Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:21 pm
by cr15py
Bought my groceries online from Tesco over the weekend, and when I looked at what I bought this month compared with last month, I was amazed how much "useless" stuff I used to buy that I didn't actually need. My shopping bill was about £30 less than it normally is (we do all our shopping in one go, then get perishable bits and bobs during the month). I don't begrudge spending the extra £4.50 on delivery, because I know I have saved much more than that (we always used to get a taxi home anyway because we couldn't carry it all!!)

We also bought our frozen stuff from Iceland, and got it delivered free - it's so much cheaper than Tesco as well. The freezer is choc-a-bloc, as are the shelves.

Definitely saved us money!! [:D][:D]

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 12:28 pm
by aguise
I have been doing this for a while now for just the same reason. When you walk around the shop you tend to think ooh that looks nice, with the iinternet you tend to buy what you need. After the first few shops you can do it quite quickly as well. I shop between sains and tesco, depends a bit on what offers there are at the time. As you say saves on time and travel so sort of offsets the cost of the delivery anyway.


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Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 1:33 pm
by cr15py
Absolutely Ang, I spent quite a while searching through some of the offers. I try to resist the "£1.59 each, or 2 for £3.00", because that isn't a great saving, unless I know they will definitely keep.

Not thought about shopping elsewhere to see if I can get better offers somewhere else, that might be worth thinking about if I save more than the delivery costs.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 1:42 pm
by aguise
I swop between as I have a preference for some of the things from sainsburys, as you say buy the offers if you use them a waste of money if you get them as extra, but things like coffe they quite often have one half price so will buy a couple and save for few weeks. With tesco go through the value list as well, some of the stuff on there like kitchen cleaner and loo cleaner are good and only about 25p. Meat and veg I tend to get elsewhere, and remember you canm always send stuff back with the driver if you dont like it.


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Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 1:54 pm
by cr15py
Yeah, I know we ordered large white bread rolls, which they didn't have, so they sent large brown ones - which was fine, but the driver said we could have sent them back if we wanted, but to be honest, the brown ones taste nicer anyway!!

Yeah, we searched through the value stuff, I aren't too fussy with things like that - I would use tesco value loo roll, but the girlfriend won't!! She doesn't eat tomatoes, so I stocked up on value tomatoes!! She thinks I'm strange!!

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:11 pm
by Skippy
I ordered from Sainsburys a while ago and they messed up my order - they loaded half on one van and half on another and it was 2 hours late. I rang them after getting the first half and told them not to bother with the second half and they said they would sort out the refund. When I checked my card they had refunded the whole lot - I'm sure it tasted better than normal!

I don't like doing my shopping online as I'm fussy and like to pick out my own things, especially meat. The amount of stuff Tesco delivered that went out of date the next day was ridiculous and I got a few freebies from them as well!

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Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:21 pm
by aguise
I havent had any problems with sainsburys except they sent a fresh loaf of bread with no wrapper in a bag with tins and stuff, so I took it back they replaced the bread for free and gave me a refund for the delivery. I have to say they are very good at putting problems right. I have had the odd extras as well.


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Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:37 pm
by Skippy
We had a problem with Sainsburys in that at our old address we weren't on their sat nav so they used to ring every time time (literally) and Dave would have to guide them to the front door! It was a pain in the bum though if he wasn't there as I don't do directions!

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Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:41 pm
by aguise
I am really dissapointed with asda as they dont deliver to me. Considering I live in a big city with one of the largest stores 15 mins away, but apparently not all their store do online and the one by me happens to be one of them.


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Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 6:44 pm
by Skippy
I think the Asda near us has just started delivering (Dave saw an Asda van!) so I'll have to check that out.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is the present - a gift to make the most of.

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Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:49 pm
by Roisin75
I always used to shop at Sainsburys i love it in there, but have found that they have become far to pricey for my purse, so i go to morrisons now, and what a difference, we can spend between £30-50 depends on what week we are shopping for and the amount of bags that we unpack is amazing, for £30 in sainsburys im only emptying 3-4 bags and they have an amazing way of getting you to buy rubbish, dont get me wrong i do miss some stuff from there like the chicken, never buy that from morrisons but other then that i cant fault them, and the only offers we buy are buy one get one free, none of this 3 for 2 jargon you'll find you are not saving much at all!

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:59 pm
by cr15py
Yeah, Sainsburys is so convenient for us, being literally round the corner, but they are pricey. Tesco is the only other supermarket we have in town, and they are cheaper, so we go with them. Morrisons is out of town, and as far as I know, they don't deliver. Our nearest Asda is 40 miles away, and they don't deliver either.

But, Tesco is good enough, they "do what it says on the tin" so to speak.