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Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:52 pm
by Rainbow
The following information is taken from the Local Authorties Code of Guidance when dealing with a Homeless Applicaiton (Sorry Andy/Admin its going to be a long post!) I suggest that your niece prints this off and armed with the repossession notice on the door sets off to the Council very early in the morning (If you think it will help I would give you my mobile number so you can call if their any doubts!)
6.2. Under s.184 of the 1996 Act, if a housing authority has reason to believe that a person
applying to the authority for accommodation or assistance in obtaining
accommodation may be homeless or threatened with homelessness, the authority must
make such inquiries as are necessary to satisfy itself whether the applicant is eligible
for assistance and if so, whether any duty, and if so what duty, is owed to that person
under Part 7 of the 1996 Act.

Interim duty to accommodate
6.5. If a housing authority has reason to believe that an applicant may be eligible for
assistance, homeless and have a priority need, the authority will have an immediate
duty under s.188 to ensure that suitable accommodation is available for the
applicant (and his or her household) pending the completion of the authority’s
inquiries and its decision as to what duty, if any, is owed to the applicant under Part 7
of the Act. Chapter 7 provides guidance on the interim duty to accommodate.
Authorities are reminded that ‘having reason to believe’ is a lower test than ‘being
Form of the application
6.6. Applications can be made by any adult to any department of the local authority and
expressed in any particular form; they need not be expressed as explicitly seeking
assistance under Part 7. Applications may also be made by a person acting on behalf
of the applicant, for example, by a social worker or solicitor acting in a professional
capacity, or by a relative or friend in circumstances where the applicant is unable to
make an application themselves.
Applications to more than one housing authority
6.7. In some cases applicants may apply to more than one housing authority
simultaneously and housing authorities will need to be alert to cases where an
applicant is doing this. In such cases, where a housing authority has reason to believe
that the applicant may be homeless or threatened with homelessness, it may wish to
contact the other housing authorities involved, to agree which housing authority will
take responsibility for conducting inquiries. Where another housing authority has
previously made decisions about an applicant’s circumstances, a housing authority
considering a fresh application may wish to have regard to those decisions. However,
housing authorities should not rely solely on decisions made by another housing
authority and will need to make their own inquiries in order to reach an independent
decision on whether any duty, and if so which duty, is owed under Part 7. Any
arrangements for the discharge of any of their functions by another housing authority
must comply with s.101 of the Local Government Act 1972.

7.1. This chapter provides guidance on housing authorities’ interim duty to secure
that accommodation is available for an applicant if they have reason to believe
that the applicant may be homeless, eligible for assistance and has a priority need.
7.2. Section 188(1) imposes an interim duty on housing authorities to secure that
accommodation is available for an applicant (and his or her household) pending their
decision as to what duty, if any, is owed to the applicant under Part 7 of the Act if they
have reason to believe that the applicant may:
a) be homeless,
b) be eligible for assistance, and
c) have a priority need.
7.3. The threshold for the duty is low as the local authority only has to have a reason to
believe that the applicant may be homeless, eligible for assistance and have a priority
need. (See paragraph 6.5 for guidance on the “reason to believe” test.)
7.4. The s.188(1) duty applies even where the authority considers the applicant may not
have a local connection with their district and may have one with the district of
another housing authority (s.188(2)). Applicants cannot be referred to another housing
authority unless the housing authority dealing with the application is satisfied that
s.193 applies (i.e. the applicant is eligible for assistance, unintentionally homeless
and has a priority need). (See Chapter 18 for guidance on referrals to other housing
7.5. The accommodation provided under s.188(1) must be suitable for the applicant and
his or her household and the suitability requirements under s.206(1) and s.210(1)
apply (see Chapter 17 for guidance on the suitability of accommodation). The
applicant does not have the right to ask for a review of the housing authority’s
decision as to the suitability of accommodation secured under the interim duty,
but housing authorities are reminded that such decisions could be subject to
judicial review.
7.6. Housing authorities should avoid using Bed &Breakfast (B&B) accommodation
wherever possible. Where B&B accommodation has been used in an emergency
situation, applicants should be moved to more suitable accommodation as soon as
possible. The Homelessness (Suitability of Accommodation) (England) Order 2003
provides that B&B accommodation is not suitable accommodation for families with
children and households that include a pregnant woman unless there is no alternative
accommodation available and then only for a maximum of six weeks.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:28 am
by Rainbow
I really hoped that this practice of turning people away had gone out with the Ark! I know that Housing is stretched but there is no reason on earth to have families living on a camp site in this era - This is what Housing Law is all about genuine people not being forced to live on the streets.

If after providing all this then get your niece to very clearly state that she wants to make a complaint to the manager and she is not moving until she speaks to a manager directly. If that fails off to a solicitor to get a high court injuction!

Good Luck and please let us know how she gets on I will be thinking of her - Rainbow x

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:32 am
by scaredkez
hi rainbow and melanie, sorry never got back last night my hubby will pass all this info onto niece today, we are not having the best of weeks as hubbies uncle has died early hours this morning.

i am grateful for all the help rainbow and i am sure now she can go back there this morning loaded with information, she lives in bangor north wales so it will be the council there, i am in work today but will keep in touch with hubby and find out what is going on, rainbow you are very kind for posting all that info, and for taking the time to do it, i will of course let you know asap what happens.

thanks again for all the wonderful support and information, where would we be with out the kindness of all you people on here.


Please view my blog at:

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:58 am
by Rainbow

I am sorry to hear of the death of your husbands uncle.
I have looked on the web site for Gwynedd County Council and it must be one of the poorest Council web sites I have seen for Housing information. This does not bode well for them being accepting of the situation, I fear that your niece may have to battle to get help and her rights! But it looks like something she is going to have do, I will be here to help and support if I can.

Positive thoughts to you all - Rainbow x

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:09 am
by scaredkez
thanks rainbow, i just hope she is up to it, she is still in shock, and sister in law worried she is just giving up, passed the info on to her this morning also, niece will have to stay strong and battle as you say for the sake of the kids, she is going to stay with her mum tonight, i said don't tell the council that tell them you are still on the campsite , i am off to work now so will let you know later or if hubby gets any info i will tell him to let you know.

Please view my blog at:

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:15 am
by lily
Really sorry to hear of your uncles death Kerri.

I hope your niece is able to fight her own corner with this, she will be in such a state though, One more thing that bothers me is she will not be able to claim any of the benefits if she has no fixed abode, what a shame in this day an age an abused and broken woman is left to fight for what is a basic human right. I makes me so sad. It seems that no one wants to sit down and deal with this at the council, I suppose its just so much easier to tell her to go away, turn around and consider the problem as someone elses, without a second thought.

I hope she manages to get something done today, its great that rainbow is prepared to give time to this, you are a caring person rainbow.


Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 9:36 am
by Rainbow
Lily - Thanks
She is able to claim benefits by either having a care of address or NFA (This means that she will have to go into the Jobcentre to collect the giro) But there is no reason why she cannot use her mum's address.

so that should be OK

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 1:44 pm
by Adam Davies
I just wanted to say a big thank you to Rainbow for all the time and effort that she has put in to this thread
Lets hope that Scaredkez can post some positive news soon.

Andy Davie Spokesperson

About me:

IVA Helpline: 0800 197 4838

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:08 pm
by Rainbow
I really hope so to Andy - I am hoping that no news is good news!?!

Thanks for the "Champion of the Month Award" I am very pleased to be of service and Lily is right I do care passionatly about people. Which is why I changed career's about 6 1/2 years ago and got out of housing because all the policy makers were pushing us to make these appalling descisions and I just couldn't go along with it! Hubby is still in housing and was a Homeless Manager until recently. In my job now I work with young people aged 16 - 19 who have large barriers preventing them getting into jobs, work or training and one of the first cases I had to deal with was a Council that refused to house a very needy 16 year old - Boy did I have fun quoting all that legislation at them and making them house her!! It felt really good, to champion her cause and make the Council sit up and listen and Ididn't have to worry about upsetting them anymore!

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:19 pm
by lily
Rainbow, I had real issues with the council, I wrote to the local MP, he had been in office for 23 years and I decided to write to him, the first time ever I had done this, he lost his seat and sent all of my stuff back. I went to the ombudsman after making a complaint, it worked. Trouble is though its hard work and people were suffering, every individual sympathised but couldnt help and preferred to pass the buck until the organisation itself were brought to book. It must have been a stressful job for such a compassionate person such as you.

I really hope that kerri's niece is up to the fight.


Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:28 pm
by Rainbow
Good on you Lily - You are right it is hard work fighting for your rights but the sense of Victory is great! You did the right thing by going to the Ombudsman - Did you know that they have to report all their "Against to the Audit Commission who over see the inspections of Councils and report their star ratings" They also have to PAY for the Ombudsman services!! (Who once they receive to many strikes can impose special measures on them) he he he he

If Kerri's niece doesn't feel upto the fight she could instruct a Solicitor to help her as she would get full legal aid.

I really do think that the Council are on a sticky wicket here as given the information that Kerri has provided that have failed in their duties.


Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:54 pm
by scaredkez
hi everyone, niece was too ill today to do anything and the doctor was called, this is what my sister in law didn't want to happen, anyhow after talking with the doctor and i have spoken to her this evening she is ready to do battle tomorrow, she has all the info printed off now thanks rainbow and she feels better knowing she has something to quote to them, the estate agent let her in her house today for 10 minutes to collect some clothes he shouldn't have done this but he even said himself he is so sorry for what has happened abd the hubby has walked away, so first thing tomorrow she will be at the council office, she said herself she doesn't know if she is coming or going at the present and just wants to wake up from the bad dream,so hopefully we should have some outcome tomorrow, hubby had phoned her several times today, but she just couldn't deal with anything, suppose it is only to be expected so fingers crossed tomorrow she will have news off the council, rainbow you have been an angel for all that information, i am glad she has something to take with her even to show them if she doesn't feel she can say it.
thanks everyone again hopefully tomorrow good news!

lily , thanks re words for uncle, he was very poorly just didn't think it was going to be so soon.

Please view my blog at:

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:08 pm
by Rainbow
Kerri - Please wish her all my very best and I will be thinking of her she needs to be strong for those children and herself as this could be the start of a whole new life for her and a new beginning. Let's hope tomorrow she deals with someone who is more understanding. If she is too ill to go herself then her mum could make the approach on her behalf that might be a possibility?

If there is anything else I can do please do let me know.

Kerri - YOu keep strong for you to even an expected death still comes as a shock - Sending you all blessings and hopes

Rainbow x

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:10 pm
by scaredkez
thanks rainbow, its been a hell of a week, this was all so unexpected, i am just so grateful i have you guys on here who can help me help her with all this info, the other bit of bad news was the notices were not on the outside of the door but on the inside on the windows so told her to photo them or copy down in writing what it says on them, but i think they are the least of her worries armed with rainbows info she should have more than enough.

Please view my blog at:

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:15 pm
by Skippy
Hi Kerri, I hope you're ok - I've been thinking about you all today x

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is the present - a gift to make the most of.

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