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Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:43 pm
by Jhonnie

Does that surplus allow you to do stuff. Did they already allow for food, bills and such?

I currently rent and it was more embarrasing than hard, luckily the agent i went through has a sister and she has a IVA so she understood.


Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:49 pm
by mish1953
J - i have a 14 yr old daughter -- I dont 'do' stuff, I spend most of my free time taxing my daughter around and trying to work out why her social life is better than mine ;-)

I am trying to be very careful with my money as my teenogre spends it far too fast ... but yes with budgeting I have managed to get out to the pub with friends - first time since last year !

Im still getting used to my new situation, I have more money than I had before -- I even managed to pay an insane BT bill this month for £176 .. 'kin kids using reverse charge phone calls !

Still smiling

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:52 pm
by mish1953
Have a look at

for a breakdoen of my income and expenditure ..

Generally the BR is more generous than the creditors in an IVA


Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:53 pm
by Jhonnie

You make me feel positive about it. I guess im lucky that i am renting with no assests, although my partner is a full time student so my money is for us both. The more i chat in here the better i feel about stopping my IVA and going with a BR.


Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:02 pm
by lily

I have lifted this from Skippys blogg, her circumstances are different as her partner is working but you might get an idea. Be aware though that we have noticed some things that are allowed in one area are not in another and the amounts are different also. I am sure Skippy will not mind me doing this.

I have also included the IPA disposable income amounts and percentages, these are static.

Warning long post.

Skippy13’s Road to Bankruptcy
Blogs from the Community Portal
« An update from the OR
IPA Payment Table »
Here is a list of my expenditure, comparing my IVA allowances to my IPA allowances in bankruptcy.
Income £1284 per month + £560 from partner.
Rent / Mortgage - £556 (I don’t pay the mortgage, just a contribution)
Buildings / Contents Insurance - £8
Council Tax - £110 (I only pay half of this)
Gas - £40 (don’t have any)
Electricity - £40 (actually £25 per month)
Home telephone - £40 (this is paid by my partner)
Mobile phone - £50 (actually £35)
Medical expenses - £35
Food, toiletries, cleaning products - £300
Clothing - £40
TV Licence - £11 (I pay half)
Vehicle petrol - £120 (overestimated)
Vehicle insurance - £20 (underestimated)
Vehicle road tax - £15 (overestimated)
With that wonderful thing called hindsight I should never have signed the above income and expenditure form as it is so inaccurate. I spoke to my case manager and was advised not to worry as the total figures added up. What I didn’t pick up on is that they had included some of my partner’s salary to cover the mortgage. This effectively meant that I was £200 per short per month - I pay my partner £200 per month, but as the mortgage was £556, and they had added £560 to my income there was nothing spare.
Now for my IPA allowances:
Income £1284 per month
Rent / Mortgage - £200
Food / Housekeeping - £350
Electricity - £25
Water - £8
Telephone - £35
Travel / Petrol - £100
Clothing - £40
Council tax - £50
TV Licence - £6
Opticians - £10
Dentist - £10
Prescriptions - £10
Holidays - £20
Car expenses - £100
Hairdressing - £10
Blogs from the Community Portal
IPA Payment Table
June 14th, 2007 by skippy13
This is a table of IPA percentages that you can expect to pay on any surplus income:
50 Nil
60 Nil
70 Nil
80 Nil
90 Nil
100 50 50
110 55 50
120 60 50
130 65 50
140 70 50
150 75 50
160 80 50
170 85 50
180 90 50
190 95 50
200 100 50
210 105 50
220 110 50
230 115 50
240 120 50
250 150 60
260 156 60
270 162 60
280 168 60
290 174 60
300 180 60
310 186 60
320 192 60
330 198 60
340 204 60
350 231 66
360 238 66
370 244 66
380 251 66
390 257 66
400 264 66
410 271 66
420 277 66
430 284 66
440 290 66
450 297 66
460 304 66
470 310 66
480 317 66
490 323 66
500 350 70
510 357 70
520 364 70
530 371 70
540 378 70
550 385 70
560 392 70
570 399 70
580 406 70
590 413 70
600 420 70


Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:28 pm
by Jhonnie
Hi Lily

Thank you for this. It makes me feel better abou tit all even more.

I just need to go away now and think it all through. You have been a real help.



Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:01 pm
by Jhonnie
Hi Lily

Typing error, didnt mean to say tit, ive only just noticed.


Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:07 pm
by Skippy
No worries Lily - I have copyrighted it yet!!!

Jhonnie, for me going bankrupt was the best thing I could have done and I wish I'd done it sooner. That is me though, as Mish said make sure it's the right decision for you.

Good luck, and please let us know what you decide to do.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is the present - a gift to make the most of.

View my blog at

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:12 pm
by Jhonnie

Im just filling the forms out now, still feel scared but also relieved in a funny way that things might now get sorted.


Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:10 pm
by Skippy
I felt exactly the same way - I felt ill filling in the forms, I was shaking when I printed them off and fell out with my partner on the way to court! Despite all that, once I had made the decision to end my IVA and go BR I felt so much better.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is the present - a gift to make the most of.

View my blog at

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:24 pm
by swardy73
Hi Jhonnie,

I was in an IVA and paid 15 installments (started at £357) and my last one i paid was £419. I too was in a terrible mess and desperate when i started and i filled in the I&E with inaccurate amounts (as i was told this would ensure the IVA was accepted). It was this that ultimately made the IVA fail as i was borrowing from friends and family to get by each month. I spoke to my IP on the 12th July and tried to come to some kind of compromise but i was told that my actual disposible income of £240 per month could not even be presented to my creditors as a viable monthly amount, so i felt with 45 months of the IVA to go, and still in as much worry and stress as before i began, i had to take the descision to file for my own BR.
I was upfront with my IP and told her i would need to cancel my IVA and i wrote her a letter on the 12th July. I filled out the BR forms online, and phoned my local county court and made an appointment as near to payday as possible. I was given appointment of 25th July and used what would have been my July IVA payment to pay the £485 BR fee. I went to court on 25th July with 3 copies of the forms (very important as they charge i think about £7.50 for a set of copies) and my £485. My appointment was for 9am. I went through the forms with a lady and then was sent to see the Judge and i was with him for 2 mins and he declared me bankrupt at 9.37am. I then had a five minute phone call with the Official Receivers office in Hull. I walked out of court feeling a bit sad/relieved/strange etc but also feeling that things are going to get better.
About a week later i received my BR package through the post and told by letter that i wouldn't need a telephone interview as i had provided all the details in my online forms! I just had to send in 3 months payslips and 6 months bank statements and any loan/credit card statements (i didn't have them all).
I had worked out through my I&E and going through Skippy's excellent blog regarding what is normally allowed in BR that with my disposible income of £240 per month, i would be paying approx £125-£130 per month for the 3 years of BR. Well...My OR called me last week and said she had just a couple of things to clarify which was fine, but to my surprise when she mentioned my I&E, she told me i hadn't put down the £50 per month holiday allowance which is allowed in BR. She has worked out that i will be paying £100 per month in BR for the 3 years which as you can imagine was a great bonus.

Now, what i also want to add is as some members have also told me in my last post, there is a massive discrepancy between BR and IVA payments which dosen't really add up! When i spoke to my IP, i was more than happy to pay back as much as i could and would have been happy to pay back a realistic fee per month, but this was dismissed, and now because of this, instead of paying back my disposible income of £240 per month for the remainder of my IVA (45 months left), i am now going to be paying £100 per month for 36 months!! Go figure!
I can totally understand the members of this forum who are dismayed by the huge differences, but i would also like to add that i have tried so hard and know i have done my best to pay back what i can, but i have now done the best thing for myself, and can now start to live again knowing that i will never get in this mess again!
I feel for the people who are going through this but i would say to anyone that going BR is NOT easy and is not a nice feeling and i was very annoyed over the last week or so when a certain individual who has started to pop up all over this forum said BR was an easy cop out but then started to post non-stop about how much money he could keep when he receives a windfall soon!!!!

Anyway, my post wasn't supposed to go on this long but i just wanted to let you know Jhonnie about my own personal experience and to let you know things can and will get better!
Keep your chin up and best of luck.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:27 pm
by Jhonnie

I am just filling out my forms and am a little confused:

Section 6.10 Attachment of earnings. Does this mean my IVA?

Also my partner is a full time student. His only income is a student loan, will they take this into account or will it be taken from my money?



Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:31 pm
by catullus
What a great post swardy. I'm going to print it out and show clients so long as you don't claim copyright!

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:38 pm
by catullus

Attachment of earnings are court orders for a deduction from your wages, following a CCJ.The OR would require details of these if you had any, but as you don't know what they are I rather doubt you have any!!

The OR would expect your partner to contribute to household expenses, probably in proportion to their income, but only after essential personal outgoings
of their own,course fees, travel, etc etc. As a student, unless your partner has other income, I doubt she would be considered to be in a position to make a contribution.

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2007 9:42 pm
by MelanieGiles
It's as I keep saying bankruptcy is now the positive alternative to proposing an IVA, and it's about time the lenders started waking up to this before they ruin our profession and the good work the majority of us do in returning dividends to them on a regular basis for good.

Swardy - this rant is not directed at you, you did not choose the bankruptcy route it was enforced upon you, but silently you must be having a good old giggle about the nonsense of all of this.

Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner for over 20 years.

For further details contact me at and view my IVA blog at: