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Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:18 pm
by Viki.W
Mine's highlighted but I went too blonde so the hairdresser has put a brown colour wash over it to cover it til it grows out, the trouble is, it's wearing off so I've got two tone hair now, dark brown to my ears and then a mousey colour to the ends...... and I can't afford another dye!

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:20 pm
by aguise
Same here they seem to drag on your hair so I tend to keep going back to my remmingtons, still hopefully get the ghd's soon.
Vicki I cant wash my hair more than once a week anyway, I have left it two weeks and it still wasnt greasy, was very itchy though lol.

Ang x

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:20 pm
by Skippy
I was thinking of going dark, but that's the reason I'm not going to! Could you colour it at home?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:23 pm
by aguise
Be careful cos it may go too solid and then doesnt look natural, I think your hair was lovely anyway, but if you fancy a change go a coupke of shades rather than a big jump. I would smile sweetly at Dave and have it done at the hairdressers and have sevral shades put in. I have four colours at a time but have to save hard for ages as it costs me £65 and no allowance on expenditure for hair.

Ang x

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:23 pm
by Skippy
Even though mine is coloured I need to wash it every 2 or 3 days otherwise I get chip pan hair! A really good look, especially when my roots need doing!

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:25 pm
by Viki.W
Don't get me started on home colouring.....I must be daft, never works out like I plan it. If I could put some pics of me after my home dye sessions, I would.....very shocking. Then again they were all permanent not the wash in wash out ones. Might give them a go. I usually have to leave it all to the hairdresser though, too scared! X

Ang, I have been known to leave my hair quite a while between washes, I think we're lucky. I find hair washing and drying extremely boring. X

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:26 pm
by aguise
I love that chip pan hair lol Mine would drop out if I did it any more than weekly I have to put up with it . Hair is so dry anyway but the hypothyroid thing makes it even drier and it starts to split if I overdo it.

Ang x

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:27 pm
by Viki.W
I get terribly split ends, I cut them myself every week!

[:D] Do you think Admin could start a hair and beauty forum?![:X]

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:32 pm
by Skippy
You sound the same as me Viki! I remember years ago my hair was blonde and I decided I wanted to go dark so I coloured it myself. Everything was fine until a few weeks later I decided I wanted to go back to blonde...

I bought a pack of pre-lightener and a box of colour and set to work. The pre-lightener turned my hair bright carrot orange, so I started to think that something wasn't quite right! As I couldn't go out in public looking like that, I put the colour on - yes, I was blonde again, but only in patches. The rest was pink, orange, red - it looked awful! Because I did this on a Saturday I had to go to work looking like it - I have never been so embarrassed in my life! I put it back in a pony tail, but that didn't help as the fringe was pink!

I went to a hairdresser, who said I'd done so much damage they wouldn't touch it, so I ended up buying a box of dark colour, colouring it again myself and then having it cut short!

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:35 pm
by aguise
I would need to be on it all day geting tips off everyone.
I have to go and do my housework now I am avoiding it sitting here. I always go right through the house on Friday after finishing nights and then relax a bit at the weekend, I hope the weathe rimproves its raining again here, mind you I wont be able to cut the lawn if it keeps raining, so i can take that off my list. hubby just going to work and then I will get goign though I have a sneaky feeling the grandkids and daughter will turn up sraight from school so there will be a bit more work, I think I will wait a while, the 2 year old leaves a trail of bickies or sultanas (she loves them) around the house.

ang xx

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:36 pm
by Viki.W
Skippy, that pretty much describes what happened to me. I tryed to go from my natural, dark brown to platinum blonde without bleaching. It turned a pinky red. To be honest, it was a very interesting colour but because I'm olive skinned, I looked very strange!

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:36 pm
by aguise
Gawd my typing gets worse. you know what I mean though.

Ang x

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:37 pm
by Viki.W
Have fun Ang! X

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:39 pm
by Skippy
The best way to describe my colouring is pasty, so the orange really stood out!

I didn't learn my lesson though and tried to colour my own hair again and ended up with the crown going purple! That cost me a fortune at the hairdressers and I've never done it again since!

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:42 pm
by Viki.W
Skippy, I just want my natural hair back, It will take ages to grow out but then I'll NEVER EVER have it coloured or highlighted again. Just think how conditioned it will be (hopefully). I'll never have it short again either, I hated that too.[xx(] X