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Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 9:07 pm
by dots
Hi Andy / Melanie,

Just a few notes here for you if you could be so kind…

1. You may recall some of my episodes lately and I am mid-way trying to get handle on it all then will write fully on the forum for revelations, but I feel that before I attend my redundancy meeting on Monday, I may be better armed with some good advice from someone as “in” as you both always prove…

2. In my redundancy meeting will be discussed the package that is available to me and I am already clear on my entitlements, so I will be well clued up. The matter that they have is that their relocation for me is neither suitable nor equal to current conditions, so redundancy must be formally discussed.

3. I am wondering if my redundancy; remaining leave entitlements; additional work I will be attending throughout October; until end of contract; that it might be close to a 30p in £ if all added together for F&F (this calculation has included arrears outstanding on the total amounts before gaining percentage rates)… I wonder if in your opinion, based on the fact that I am now paying month 45 of 72, that it could be a reasonable offer, as also made enormous bonus payments to them in year 1 & 2. I know that it is preferred around the 40p, but, not deep enough pockets right now… This is all of course based on the fact of the reality of my calculations actually being paid me.

4. What is more, as this will completely dry me out, it does not take into account of the IP final fees, so wonder if it is a done thing if I were to ask my IP if they might push through the 30p in £, then deal with the fees separately… In this way I mean that continuing the monthly payments for maybe 6 months to the IP but for their fees only. Also in this will mean that if I do receive additional monies during fee paying, then some of any extra amounts could go directly for the fees for paying off early, unlike the current deal of the IVA where it goes to creditor losses without decreasing debts.

5. I can confirm that I am very confident about my interview I attended this week for another job and they have provisionally accepted me, subject to legal matters and health checks etc (I do have a medical history that may raise questions for decisions, but “should” be ok), but they cannot formally invite a start date, so this does not hinder the redundancy regulations as I have not actually been offered the post yet, so I am quite confident that passing the red tape in a few weeks that will be beyond the current contract termination, not only should my redundancy package be intact, but will be rolling through to new employer for continuity of income.

6. Another point is that I have been forwarded a copy of a page of my IVA by my IP; that he indicates towards the redundancy clauses and highlighted… “If I should receive a lump sum in respect of redundancy pay, I shall be permitted to retain the equivalent of six months net salary from which my voluntary contributions shall be maintained and the balance shall be offered to the Supervisor for the benefit of the creditors”… Do I understand this correctly to mean that as my redundancy will be only about 9 weeks’ entitlement and as will be below the six month allowance that I will be permitted to keep all funds? (of course keeping up IVA payments) The purpose I intend if not able to offer enough to satisfy F&F, then would be to clear my arrears of IVA, clear personal loans that have assisted recent car bills and remainder for working in-hand for new job and contingency funding… Is that feasible / correct? Do I understand correct that “balance” would mean any amounts received above the six month value?

7. Naturally, I will discuss the matters with my IP, but I do value your comments greater, as I have been misguided by my IP (in their various guises) many times.


Try to develop the present to change the future that will enhance new memories of the past...
Outreaching World Concerns

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 9:27 pm
by Adam Davies
Hi gordon
I can confirm that,on the info that you have supplied,that you will indeed be able to keep any redundancy upto a maximum of six months net pay,so the possible 9 weeks that you get[tax free] will be yours.
Any F+F offer will have to be discussed with your IP,but they are certainly favoured by creditors at the moment.

Andy Davie Spokesperson

About me:

IVA Helpline: 0800 197 4838

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:16 pm
by Skippy
Good luck tomorrow Gordon.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is the present - a gift to make the most of.

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Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 9:07 pm
by Lisa2009
Gordon i just wanted to say best of luck to ya

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 9:24 pm
by Adam Davies
Hi Gordon
I love the way that you deal with things,so relaxed and considered.If my account had been cleaned out I would have been frantic with worry and the thought of losing my job an even bigger worry.
You deserve to prosper and complete your IVA.

Andy Davie Spokesperson

About me:

IVA Helpline: 0800 197 4838

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 9:30 pm
by Skippy
I agree Andy - I don't do calm I'm afraid so I could never be like Gordon!

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is the present - a gift to make the most of.

View my blog at

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:49 am
by mikebdomain
Good luck Gorden


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