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Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:16 pm
by paul0802
Hi Everyone.

My dog (Bobby) became ill on the Easter holiday, so i took him to the vets. The first vet diagnosed Bobby with gingevitis because his breath smelt, so we thought nothing of this. As the weekend went on Bobby's condition got worse, as i was in Milan at the time my Mom and Dad thought they were going to lose him. I only found out of Bobbys condition when my dad picked me up from the airport. When i got home Bobby came to the door to greet me. I broke down in tears, my dog had lost that much weight i feared for the worst. Bobby then went back to the vets and the vet that was on at the time smelt Bobby and straight away just from smell said that Bobby was breathing out toxins, which was diabetes. He took Bobbys blood to be examined in the lab anyhow. We then had insulin and had to take samples of Bobbys urine every morning to check his glucose levels so we knew how much insulin to give him. A couple of Days on from this there was no improvement with Bobby and his blood tests came back. Bobby also had a pancreas infection. His insulin was not working because his glucose levels were still sky high. We then went into the vets again to look at Bobbys results, his Lipase levels were 11450. Which is only meant to be up to 300, there were also a few other things going on in Bobbys blood that was concerning the vet. As Bobbys insulin was not working and he was not eating so we could not give him antibiotics we had a desicion to make whether or not Bobby should go into the vets to be treated, as we knew Bobby would sulk and could send him even worse. We decided to take him to the vets anyway. Bobby was put on a drip and regular blood tests were taken through the day. As 2 days passed Bobbys condition did not improve and the vet could not understand why as insulin usually takes effect after 2-3 days, but because he had a pancreas infection this was making it harder. We was all heartbroken at home althought Bobby is 11 he still acts and looks like a puppy and when hes on walks he runs round the fields. The vet didn't want to give up on Bobby yet because when they were taking Bobby out for walks he was pulling on his lead, the vets didn't know where he was getting his energy from as they had never seen anything like Bobbys condition before. We then decided as a family to give Bobby 1 more day in the vets and if his condition did not improve we were going to bring him home because we didn't want him to go being sad. Anyway we had a phone call in the morning and Bobbys insulin was finally kicking in!. It gave the family a huge boost as every one was drained from the experience. He was then finally eating so he was on the road to recovery. He was monitored at the vets for 3 more days as his blood levels still was higher than average. Bobby then became stable and was aloud to come home. it was amazing to see his improvment. Bobby now has to take insulin every morning and 2 meals a day 1 in the morning and one at night. Before Bobby was only on 1 meal a day which was around 5 at night after his walk. Bobby use to eat Mince Meat as was recommended by the people we had Bobby off. He now eats special diabetic food with no treats allowed. Im just posting this letter just incase any1 elses dog is suffering from the same sort of thing. Bobby overcome all the odds of suvival and the vets didn't know how he had survived. Thanks. Paul.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:20 pm
by angela18
brilliant news.. hope bobby stays fine

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:23 pm
by Moneystinks
Yeah me too.

It's horrible when your pet gets ill. x

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:23 pm
by kallis3
Sorry to hear about Bobby, we have two dogs,one of whom is now 14 and everytime we have to go to the vets we fear the worst! She is still going though!

Did you have insurance? It's one thing I wouldn't do without.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:31 pm
by SLM
So glad to hear he's ok. Pets are a member of the family & make a household complete.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:43 pm
by paul0802
kallis3 wrote:

Sorry to hear about Bobby, we have two dogs,one of whom is now 14 and everytime we have to go to the vets we fear the worst! She is still going though!

Did you have insurance? It's one thing I wouldn't do without.

No insurance on Bobby, but money was no question as Bobby is a member of the family but i do feel for those who might not have been able to afford treatment on there animals. If we had the chance again we would insure Bobby as the bill at the vets wasn't cheap as you could imagine.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:48 pm
by kallis3
Know what you mean. We originally had just the one dog, but when step daughter couldn't cope with hers and a new baby, we took on another one and wouldn't now be without him. Once our older one has departed to the great kennel in the sky we will be getting another one to keep the younger one company. Wouldn't be without one.

Both are rescue dogs as well so feel that I am doing my bit

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 8:10 pm
by facingittogether
thats lovely news paul - so glad bobby has made a recovery - like others have said a pet is part of the family and makes home complete

am really pleased

barb [:)]

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:40 pm
by Skippy
That's really good news Paul, I'm so pleased Bobby is on the mend x