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Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:10 pm
by ivamess
Here we go. Iva paperwork all sent off to Melanie's company. Saving as much cash as we can right now to get to meet our IP (we are self-employed so have to have a face to face meeting) as it is a long way to travel. But Melanie and Co's reputation swung it for us

Really worried about this situation but it seems the only way back from where we are which brings to mind a creek and a paddle. It is, of course, our fault entirely and nobody else to blame but why do the banks jack the interest rate higher and higher when they know you are struggling?

Have had to live on benefits in the past (about 15 years ago for three years) so I am hoping that the frugal ways I learned then will come into play this time round.

Worried sick that the proposal will not be accepted for some reason. And, actually, scared of the whole thing really....

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:16 pm
by kazzafunk
Hi ivamess and welcome,

Firstly you have chosen a fantastic IP firm to work with so you are already in a good position.

We have all felt that fear. I lived in denial for years. I wondered what I had spent all this money on until I realised most of it was probably interest / balance transfer fees etc. Totally my fault but my depression is partly to blame and I still struggle to curb my spending when I have my low moments.

Being in an IVA was refreshing. Paying for things in cash was novel and felt so good. Yes it was hard (especially the last week of the month before payday) so it's important to really budget and write down a plan of things due out each month so there's no slip ups.

The best moment for me was when my IP rang to say everything had been approved by creditors. From then on I knew that we would be debt free within 5 years and could actually sleep at night.

Use the forum to vent anger, happiness and to ask any questions. It was a god send to me during our IVA.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 2:35 pm
by MelanieGiles
Hi there and welcome to the forum from me - and also a big thank you for choosing my firm to represent you.

Whilst it is essential that either I or Sue arrange to meet with you, we can be very flexible and the meeting need not be at our offices - we spend long periods out on the road visiting our clients at their homes or business premises, and if this helps you then we want to be able to do that.

Drop me a note and we can arrange to have a chat, and don't worry - we don't accept failure in this practice, and will work very hard on your behalf to get creditors to see the merits of your proposals.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 3:17 pm
by ivamess
Thank you! It's reassuring to hear back from both of you. Kazzafunk, I too deal with depression in fact it is the main reason that I work from home, I would never survive an office environment and I cannot supplement the income by doing so as I would be off sick too much. Plus I have agoraphobia. My home based work used to pay really well but now the company I contract out to has cut rates to the bone as with all things, pay is down and costs are up.

Melanie, thank you so much I will drop Sue a line, we are looking forward to meeting you people, I get the impression we will come away feeling somewhat reassured!

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:03 pm
by kazzafunk
There does seem to be a link to depression and debt problems. Look at Kerry Katona!!

I am not making light of either issue, nor am I excusing myself but even my GP said it's common to spend wildly when suffering a mental illness.

Hope you can sort things out with Mel or Sue, they will all look after you with that firm. We too chose a great firm and had no issues. The main piece of advice I can give you is to treat your IVA like a 5 year loan. It can be daunting and feel like it will never ever end, but time does fly and it's a great feeling to know you are dealing with things and protected 100% by the IVA rules.

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:09 pm
by Shining
Hi , welcome to the forum and you've certainly made a top choice in Melanie company to represent you. Melanie was my IP and I can only speak highly of all the service received.

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 7:52 pm
by andrewgoodman121
Believe Me you are with the Best of the Bedt with Melanies Firm.

1995-2007 Up to my neck with £25000 worth of Debt.
Never thought I would get out of it and the Stress was a killer.

2014 - Debt Free after doing an IVA and could not be more relieved!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:50 am
by MelanieGiles
Thanks Andrew - glad to hear that you are getting on well.