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Re: Feel stuck and so much in the dark about the process of starting an IVA

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 8:09 am
by Foggy
Your IP and his staff are there to answer your questions and you are fortunate to have found one that does ( some, unfortunately do not support their clients at all ! ).

I kept in constant contact with mine, whether they liked it or not ! I found it helped to build some sort of rapport and reinforced my own ethos of us working together, rather than being adversaries.

Re: Feel stuck and so much in the dark about the process of starting an IVA

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:56 pm
by elizabeth662
My meeting with creditors is set for 9th may, I'm yet to change over my banks as my work cannot do this until after iv been paid this month. Can Lloyds take any money before the meeting has taken place? Worried I won't have any money in there when I check :|

Re: Feel stuck and so much in the dark about the process of starting an IVA

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 3:47 pm
by Foggy
They shouldn't do. Open a new account right away, so you are ready -- then, when paid, transfer the money to the new account.

Re: Feel stuck and so much in the dark about the process of starting an IVA

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 7:52 am
by Oya
You don't have to wait for your wages to change bank account. I have changed mine as soon as I had my first telephone appointment. NatWest did a full bank account transfer it only takes 7 days and they do everything for you. Still I had to ring government related incomes like tax credit to let them know change of bank account. One thing you have to make sure before you do a full transfer you make sure to delete all your direct debits to your creditors as they come with the transfer if you don't do that before. I forgot to delete Next and although I removed them as soon as I realised but they still managed to forced payment luckily I reversed it and removed them completely. Good luck with your creditors meeting. I have been there just a few weeks ago I know how frustrating it is waiting.

Re: Feel stuck and so much in the dark about the process of starting an IVA

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 10:10 pm
I think just about everybody goes through the feelings and emotions that you are experiencing. Its such a nerve racking time wondering whether or not you have done the right thing. In my experience, I can honestly say what I have also heard many other people say on this forum, If only I had started my IVA sooner. I personally opted to change my bank to Nationwide and I have had no regrets. I have also taken out the £10 a month insurance policy which gives me full cover for the mobile phone, travel insurance and most importantly car breakdown service which has been a blessing. Good luck with your journey and ask as many questions as you want on here as this forum helped keep my sanity when first starting out. :-)