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Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:55 pm
by MrsKnight
Dont you just hate political issues![:D] Im sorry I give up now[:)]

Everyone should be treated fairly & I understand everyones point of view.
I hope there are more jobs or hours n working conditions made available to enable of us to work around our children schooling & Holidays.
Coming from a family with no extended family for support often means one of us has to stay at home whilst the other works. Especially if they work unsociable, different days off n rotas week in n week out.
And also for those whom "have" to work holidays/b holidays/xmas/n year in the tourism & hospitality side of the industry.
I dont want help with child care costs - I want jobs that do not have to be "flexible" & be able to take the time off (unpaid) needed to look after the children in the holidays, whilst the main income earner works.
BUT living in a tourist resort of the country - most jobs that come are in the holiday times. So personally I would not be able to take the opportunity to work for some time of the year as its the "wrong" time. Winter often means no work.
Sorry for waffling [:(]

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:59 pm
by louiseh
The planet is already overpopulated, water shortages, famines etc, I think the government should be actively encouraging people to have fewer children by removing any benifts and support after 2 children. Yes we do need children to provide for the future but at a sustainable rate, we can't just keep having 3, 4, 5 or more children, as the next generation will be having 4,5 or 6 to support them.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:31 pm
by kallis3
When I was single, I used to give up having bank holidays off so those with families could do so.

I do agree that some people have kids for no other reason but to line their pockets.

I only had one child, not through choice, but because we could not afford childcare for anymore, and I had to return to work before she was 3 months old as I could not afford to take any more time off work.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:31 pm
by RHB
I've got three!!

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:45 pm
by briggadeen
Absolutely fantastic news!! NOT!!

I have one son and my hubby and I both work to support him. We would love another baby but it is impossible because we simply cannot afford it. I can't give up work because they won't give benefits to me because hubby works. I can't work more because of childcare - I'm working 45 hours per week as it is!!

So we are being penalised because we have one child and we earn just over £25,000 which i have to say is nothing! I have £17 to last until monday and I need bread,milk etc and thats not long going. Without that £40 each month we are going to be on the breadline!

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 6:56 pm
by MrsKnight
Before my 2 boys n running my own small department in tourism, priority was always give on xmas day etc for the ones with children.
But the industry I worked in n hubby n family that are not retired still work in - HAVE to work the holidays, they still have to work the school holiday period. N when the out of season months come - your lucky to hang to your job, salaried staff r usually ok but hourly staff get hours cut or none at all.
I just wonder on how this is going to effect this area of the people that work in this industry.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:16 pm
by Skippy
Although I'm the only one in my department without children I can take holiday when I want - I'm not expected to work around them. I don't want the school holidays off, but I'd have something to say if I got third choice for holidays!

It'll probably affect everything, not just tourism. When VAT goes up my job could be affected as less people will buy cars and electrical goods. I've been saying for years that more people would holiday in this country if it wasn't so expensive. We've been to Lyme Regis and I'm sure we could have spent less going abroad!

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 7:25 pm
by kallis3
I couldn't afford another child, and this was back in the late 80's. Childcare was expensive then.

I do think that people shouldn't be penalised, whether they have children or not.

I work with people who need to take school holidays, not because they have kids but because their spouses are teachers. I have no problem fitting round that.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:39 pm
by flowerpot
My point was that for the past 9-10 years approx there has been a system of child tax credit (which might have also included a contribution towards chilcare costs for some.)

Dont forget for those without children, there is also (as was?) the working tax credit when your income level was below roughly £15k each.

I had my first child just before the tax credit system came in, so at first there was no help, and back then a day nursery place cost just £16 per day.

Since the tax credits came in, nursery fees have crept up to £30 a day, and most schools have after school clubs which can cost about £10 each a day. Granparents now work till an older age and on the whole the most families dont have the luxury of a relative to care for the children (and in any case if there was regular care - they now have to be vetted and approved by the care standards)

Wages have barely increased in our household and certainly not by 50%, where as other essential living expenses such as council tax have doubled, and has so much more.

I think the issue here is that the tax credit benefit has probably propped up a 'false' economy whereby living costs have gone up and up, wages are static - tax credits have just pluged a bit of the gap.

To take it away so suddenly is whats wrong. Many families will be better off living in poverty with only one income coming in where mother are forced to stay at home because its not financially feasbile to go to work.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:56 pm
by Skippy
We were discussing this earlier and to be honest I think the fairest way of cutting back would be to stop higher paid families getting tax credit now, and don't give tax credits for for children born from now on and limit child benefit to 2 children only going forward.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:06 pm
by flowerpot
Good point skippy, I must admit you do wonder about the motives of some people who keep having babies.

I think it fair it should apply to those who concieve a pregnancy from the date of the budget though as those already on their way (either out of love or financial gain) will suffer the most.

The saddest thing is, that despite what we all think, we dont have a voice that counts when it comes to these things. The election was the only say that people had, and thats a done deal for now! Booh.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:08 pm
by Skippy
I've read interviews with people who've admitted that they've had children so that they can have a house etc. Whatever happened to having children because you want them, not because of what it's worth to you?!?!

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:10 pm
by kallis3
Too true!

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:47 am
by MrsKnight
I can honestly say - I am n never was one of those people!!! The way children change your life n the strain they put on your finances, I sometimes wonder why did I do it & I dont mean it nastily!
My Brother in law n very young girlfriend whom are no position to have or look after a child, asked us what it was like having children.
I/we were very honest n said basically not to of done it how we did, n live their lives as fully as possible n get financially settled B4 they even think about it!
We had 2 because we wanted a sibling for the other but there is no way we would have more now! Plus I want my life & Career back one day!

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:08 am
by kallis3
I actually wanted another one after our first. Didn't do it as we couldn't afford it. Hubby was paying maintainence for two kids, childminder was expensive so that was it.

I would have loved to give up work and be a stay at home mum. As it was, daughter was three months old when I went back to work.