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Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:00 pm
by Nellie
Thanks Melanie we do appreciate that things have been difficult due to the weather and the Christmas break but are so pleased to hear that things are now moving on hopefully.Think we just need that reassurance because we have been having a bad time with creditors.We also understand that perhaps ours is not the most straight forward of cases due to various factors.
Thanks also for your post Cath. I have been following your story from the start and I am so pleased you are now "on your way", just can't wait for us to be the same. I was very interested to read what you say about Mercers as they are really bullying me especially, but not so my husband!I think he has a completley different attitude towards them though, whereas I just go to pieces with fright!!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:03 pm
by kallis3
Nellie, I echo what Cath says. Mercers are a nightmare - relentless with the calls and letters.

Ignore them, you are with an excellent company and will be sorted soon.

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:10 pm
by Nellie
Thanks Jan for your words of encouragement, I feel that I am now "with friends"! Mercers have written again today and say they are going to send a local debt collecter to our house - well if they can get up our snowbound lane good luck!!!
H xx

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:17 pm
by kallis3
I had loads of letters from Mercers threatening me with visits, but they never materialised.

However, I do know that they do send people round sometimes. You don't have to answer the door, speak to them or pay them anything. They usually go away when if you tell them you are going for an IVA and give them the details of your IP.

I always used to write to Mercers and tell them to do their worst!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:33 pm
by Julie
Hi Nellie - just wanted to add my welcome to the forum. [:)]

You're in safe hands with Melanie & her team....try to keep strong with the creditors threats. Always someone around on here to offer advice and support xx

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:05 am
by Darkdog
It seems the bad weather is effecting the call centres as well, had hardly any calls since the snow and virtually no post

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:03 am
by Nellie
Not the same here - we have had more calls then ever!
Thought the call centre staff were snowed in at work and had nothing else to do! We have done "choose to refuse" calls but they have got wise and are ringing on different numbers now so we have to keep changing them!We had calls all over Christmas & New Year - even one wishing us Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:13 am
by Darkdog
you seem to be having more hassle than us at moment, You can download some free phone tools for your PC where you can set allowed calls to ring out then all others go to an answer phone you can configure, I tried it and it works ok. I set the message as the unobtainable tone.
If you google for free pc phone tools you should find, if not and you want to use it let me know I can send it to you and help you set it up

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:33 am
by Nellie
Thanks will take a look.

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:11 pm
by kallis3
You could also change your phone number - that should be free and you can just tell friends and relatives that you have been getting nuisance calls and need to change it. I also recommend going ex directory if you are not already.