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Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 2:00 pm
by andrea
would just like to ask after reading a forum about paying mortgage first if this is the case and you paid the mortgage and then missed the iva payments then after 3 it would fail well if it did fail you would end up losing your house wouldnt you thanks

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 2:09 pm
by plasticdaft
Better to keep the mortgage company happy than the iva company andrea. You need to talk to your IP and ask for them to review what you are paying if you are struggling. How long have you been paying??

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 2:12 pm
by andrea
we have paid 39 months now but it did get extended for the extra 12 months so we got 33 left i think

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 2:18 pm
by plasticdaft
Having got so far its in no ones interest to have it fail. Get in touch with your IP and ask about reviewing your income and expenditure to make it realistic.

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 2:21 pm
by andrea
but if things have gone up and wages dont should they reduce are not

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 2:24 pm
by kallis3
You need to speak to your IP Andrea.

As Plasticdaft says, it is in no ones interests to let it fail now. You may well need to submit a new income and expenditure sheet so that your payments are affordable.