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Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:22 pm
by Rosepetal
Dear Mel,wow! thankyou feels so inadequate. we received our completion certificate this morning!!!!! thankyou so much for all your hard work involved in helping us.

we had hopes that it'd arrive next week,but you've got it too us today, so,what a week we've had - our silver wedding anniversary AND the completion certificate! a week we certainly won't forget,ever,thankyou from the 2 of us,big hug.

so that's it now?? nothing more?? we know about the credit scoring(i'm in no hurry on that front as we're going to be some time paying my parents back),the creditors can't pursue us any more now can they?

i rang my dad & told him,he said,"blimey,your IP was good!". he said he was pleased& that i should stop worrying now and that he loved me very,very much,he made my eyes fill.

we felt so pleased we wanted to tell everyone which is daft because only my parents and our 2 friends(a married couple)know![:)] so,here i am,sharing it with you guy's,all at different stages,all been there& got the t-shirt eh? there have been times when i've felt so physically ill with all the stress,a upset tummy,rashes,panic attacks,my heart problem kicking in with the stress,nightmares when i did sleep,so many nights when i couldn't sleep,it was awful. BUT things are better,yes we have a way to go paying mum&dad, but good's come out of this too - I'VE GOT CASH EVERY SINGLE WEEK IN MY PURSE FOR FOOD,that is HUGE. we are operating on the budget Tina gave us for food,fuel etc.
my hubby's attitude to money has gone full circle now - it's quite startling in a good way.

i will never forget how terrified i was the day it "hit" me that there was a problem,i'd ordered something on line,hubby & i were lazing in bed,the phone rang. the man told me there was a problem with my card,tried again to pay over the phone - i will never forget the look of horror on my husbands face,my blood ran cold. never,in my worst nightmare would i have believed we could be in such a mess.

my parents stepped in putting forward £ to do a Full& Final IVA, it has been hard,i feel very uncomfortable owing them money,it's caused me a lot of anxiety but without their help we'd have had to go BR.

thankyou all so very,very much,especially regulars like Kall,Bol,Lesley and the many others whose names escape me right now. to the IP's who post. the emotional support has been just as important as the practical,thankyou all,you've made a difference to us.

a extra thankyou to Mel,our IP for her expertise&cool head, to Tina- a star who spoke to us like people not a file,to Claire& Daryl - who had patience with us and finally Liz who chased HMR&C enabling Mel to get this closed off for our Silver wedding anniversary!

to anyone new reading,the biggest thing is admitting you've got problems with debt - take your head out of the sand,you can get help and things can get better,you're not alone.

Mel once again,thankyou so very much,life can move forward again now,
warmest regards,
Mr & Mrs Rosepetal xx

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:29 pm
by ginger3232
Congrats Rosepetal, Best Wishes to you both. Hope you have a bottle of wine in the fridge for tonight as a way of celebrating !!!

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:32 pm
by kallis3
Excellent news Rosepetal, really pleased for you. Well done to Mel and her company as well.

I'm sure she's probably sat in Millenium stadium now watching the start of the rugby!

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:34 pm
by Rosepetal
hi ginger,thankyou,yes we have! it was left over from the anniversary celebrations,think we might splash out on a nice pudding for after tea tonight.

thanks for all your support,you guy's make a difference x

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:36 pm
by Rosepetal
thanks Kall x let's hope they win! my hubby keeps screaming at the footie- the poor dog keeps jumping out of her skin! have a good weekend x

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:44 pm
by kallis3
At first glance there I thought you said you were going to splash out on a rice pudding!![:D][:D]

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:50 pm
by back on track
exellent post rosepetal,we battled against doing anything for a while but it was as the borg say "resistance is futile"
hope you and hubby and dog have a happy rest of your life debt free(i know you will).
i can remember thinking how are we going to get out of this spiral of debt before we die and doing an iva has given us that break that we needed.
the ips on here and the excellent mods and the people who work for the various iva companys really help with understanding the iva rules and regs.
i too will always be here even after my iva ends just to give a bunk up to those people thinking should i or shouldn't i take the plunge.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:25 pm
by Shining
Great post and one I totally agree with, Mel is a super IP x

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:41 pm
by Rosepetal
Hi,we celebrated with a glass of wine,both feeling very calm but pleased. it doesn't feel over yet as we're paying my parents back,but i feel much safer now. i expect we'll feel more euphoric when my parents are clear. no pun intended,but the whole experience has been very sobering!

kall i had to amend my post,i'd written a "slash" instead of splash! oops!

back on track,hi, my hubby had months of battling on in silence,as soon as i found out i knew we were out of our depth,it'd gone too far & i knew we needed expert help. Mel has really helped us turn our lives around,i echo Lesley's comment.

off to bed soon.all this excitement has worn me out.
thanks again all xx

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:44 pm
by kallis3
It wasn't that you'd written that - hadn't even clocked it! It was my eyes and at first glance it looked like rice pudding rather than nice pudding!

Glad you've had a good night.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:06 am
Congratulations Rosepetal and what an inspiration your story will be to all those starting off on their journeys. We, like you, are at the end of our journey, just waiting for that certificate.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:31 pm
by Judo
Hi Rosepetal.

I am so, so very happy for you that it is all now finally done and dusted. A big congrats to Mel and her team too!
I wish you and your hubby nothing but the best for the future. Your constant posts of support and encouragement meant everything to me at the start of my journey.
Here's to a long, happy, debt free future for you! *raises glass* xxxxx

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:38 pm
by Judo
Oh, and I hope you both had a wonderful anniversary!! x

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:21 pm
by Rosepetal
hi,thankyou all for such lovely,warm messages. we've had so much support here,a life line if ever there was one! i remember feeling so overwhelmed just as back on track describes! it was awful. thankfully we chose a brill IP! in those earlie day's Tina was brilliant,so patient - she really listens,she's a star.

kaykay, hang in there,i understand your impatience. our F&F IVA was accepted in Feb 2011 so you might be a little longer.keep in touch with your IP firm,Mel's team were brilliant about our regular update contact,it helps to know you've not been forgot.

Kall,you've got me thinking about rice pudding,i haven't had that for years!lol.

judo,lovely to see your post,glad i helped you. it's made me smile to see you posting that same support to new members,the ripple effect! just brill. how are you coping these days?
yes we had a lovely anniversary,quite simple but we both felt satisfied&happy with it,nothing coming through the letter box next month on cc's to bite us! that's gotta be a better place to be x

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:04 pm
by MelanieGiles
So glad the paperwork got to you for Saturday, and I wish you both the very best of luck for the future.