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Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 11:14 am
by kellym
Hi well we are not in an IVA yet but we have used roughly the same amount of money the last few months having our heating upgraded a new boiler. This month we have also saved up our first months payment ready for the IVA (rough estimate of figure). We have done a car boot sale this sunday and cleared loads of junk and made £80! for our cheap sun £15 holiday its quite a nice feeling we have made it through the last few months ok so its been like a practice IVA lol I would do a car boot again it was quite a fun day out and all our family want us to get rid of their junk now.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:14 pm
by kallis3
Never done a car boot. I put all my stuff, which is mostly clothes that no longer fit me, on Ebay. I make quite a bit of money and as I buy a fair bit off there as well it funds it for me as well.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:21 pm
by davram1967
We've done car boots the last two sundays and came out with £116.00 all together. I agree, it does feel good to get money back for what we might consider to be junk. I'm also in the process of selling my old record collection, some of which are quite rare and worth a little bit (£20 to £30 each, not thousands unfortunately!!). I did a little bit of selling on ebay, but recently have been let down by a couple of non-payers, which is really frustrating as you are no longer allowed to leave negative feedback for buyers.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:25 pm
by kallis3
That is really annoying Carl. I had one just recently and would have loved to have left negative feedback, but not allowed. Even though they receive an unpaid item strike, that doesn't appear to show anywhere if you check their feedback out.

I can understand why Ebay did it as some sellers were doing 'tit for tat' if they had negative left, even though the buyers didn't deserve it, but I do believe that sellers should be able to leave negative for non payers.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:30 pm
by kellym
Yes I have stopped selling on ebay for this reason had someone bid from abroad when my list said clearly only posting to uk. He than had the cheek to expect it posting for same price! I love shopping on there though just got some brand new white gold earings so they will be a good christmas present for someone.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:35 pm
by kallis3
I post worldwide and only ever had one problem with a girl from Romania, or somewhere like that. She left me positive feedback then had the cheek to say it hadn't arrived! I did get the post office to check, but they were unable to come up with anything. I couldn't even refund her money as it was over the limit by then.

I do sometimes wonder if people try it on sometimes.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:43 pm
by davram1967
The most annoying thing for me was that it was the same item twice!!

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:10 pm
by kallis3
You could start a new trend there Ladyh![:D][:D][:D]

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:12 pm
by kallis3
I see on the news that Ebay has just been fined loads by a french court for allowing the sale of fake goods!!!!!!!! Our fees will be going up again to pay for it!!!!!![:(]

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:50 pm
by plasticdaft
ack thought this "car boot" thread was for people to come and complain about wanting to kick their cars. Mine just failed its MOT,needs track rod ends,new tyre,there is no reserve on handbrake(whatever that means),and a couple of other things. Now before applying for my trust deed,this dilemma would be sorted out with a flash of platinum coloured plastic,instead I am trying to work out if we can live on beans on toast(without the beans) for the next 4 weeks!!!

Why oh why do you do this to me Lord!!!!

I am not religious in any way but it is good to blame someone.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:05 pm
by Viki.W

Sorry about your car plasticdaft, hope you get it sorted. X

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:10 pm
by kallis3
Beans on toast for a month - what joy!

Seriously, hope you get your car sorted Paul.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:35 pm
by connie
we done a car boot yesterday. i moaned all saturday night cos i didn't want to get up that early lol. but we had such a laugh. my hubby loves bartering with people. i was just laughing at him all day. we made £110 too so i was well chuffed. it paid for our shopping and petrol for the week with some spare, which was great because all our house bills come out tomorrow. gonna do another one soon as we've still got loads of tat hanging around.
i used to sell on ebay too but i can't be doing with it now they've changed the rules. since then i've had loads of non payers cos they know you can't leave bad feedback. i just can't be doing with the hassle of disputes all the time.
i put a complaint about it on the ebay forum but got shot down by buyers saying us sellers rip them off with postage etc. i thought this was a bit unfair. they shouldn't bid to a price it they don't want to pay that price and i've never overcharged anyone for postage. half the time i undercharge because i forget about my packaging costs and just charge the actual postage. its the idiots who charge 99p for an item and £15.00 postage that have ruined it for us.
think i'll do more car boots instead. there was a fruit stall there so i managed to get a load of fruit really cheap too, which saved me getting it from the supermarket (its seems expensive there at the mo)

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:36 pm
by kellym
I will do another too but need to find another one as the one we went to on Sunday now charge £17 a pitch thought that was way too steep for someone selling junk ok for the traders but they have to pay £33! it is council run though so that says it all lol

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:38 pm
by connie
£17, that is steep. the one we done was £8 which i still moaned at. haha. i think it was mainly cos it was 6am and i don't do mornings haha