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Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:07 pm
by emma_t

Hi all my lovely forum friends, I have been a bit absent lately, but still having a read in the backgound when I have had time.

So much has happened lately family wise and it has all taken its toll on me to be honest and I have not had room for the forum. I am back as have missed it loads[;)]

My cousin is critical in hospital due to his alcoholism and has jaundice, pancreatitis, hepitiis and kidney stones. It seem like it is the end of the road this time and he is confused and disorintated which the hospital has said is down to toxins in his body. If he does get better this time, he will not be able to ever have another drink again and I just don't know if he is strong enough although I am hoping against hope he will prove me wrong.
His sisters 6 year old got hit by a car and was in hospital for a while, but is 100% fine now[:D]

Work has been mad busy as usual and I have too much to do as usual!!

Glad to see of iva acceptances and well done to all.


Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:09 pm
by kallis3
Hi Emma,

Nice to see you again, you have been missed.

So sorry to hear about your family. I hope your cousin does recover and realises that he has to be strong if he wants to live.

Glad his niece is fully recovered as well. What a stressful time you have been having.

Will you be coming to David Mond's Thrifty Friends meeting in Manchester in July? It would be lovely to see you again.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:13 pm
by emma_t
Hi Jan

I will try to come to the meeting in July as it would be good to catch up with everyone again, who is confirmed so far?

Hope you are well and whats your loss at now?
Must be loads by now[;)]

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:15 pm
by kallis3
6 stones now!

I'm not too sure who is confirmed as we are still waiting for a hotel to be sorted.

Skippy and I are going. Viki won't be able to as I think she will either have had the baby or it won't be far off being born!

If you are going to go, email Size5 as he's the one organising it.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:20 pm
by chardonnay
Hi Emma,
Welcome back and I truely hope your cousin succeeds in his recovery and gets the detox help he will need for the future. Good news that the little one is OK, there are blessings in this world after all.
I look forward to reading posts from you, and I do understand how life can get so hectoic the forum takes a back seat on occasions. I've popped in and out for a year now and know I also miss it when general day to day stuff gets too hectic.
Take care,
Chardonnay xx

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 6:07 pm
by Skippy
Hi Emma, it's good to hear from you.

I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin and I really hope that he recovers and has the strength to live.

It's good news that his niece is ok.

I hope you can make it to Manchester - it would be good to catch up and have a proper chat this time xxx

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:26 pm
by emma_t
Ah thanks guys[:D]

I will really try to make it to Manchester to meet up Skippy[:D]

Wow Jan, I will not recognise you[:0]

Chardonay, it is so hard to keep on top of the forum these days as it is sooo busy. It was totaly different when I first joined as there were a lot less posts and I could keep up with everyone! Hpe you are well x

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:36 pm
by kallis3
It would be good to see you again Emma.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 10:04 pm
by debtmountain
Hi Emma,..welcome back,[:)] ..I'm sorry to hear about your cousin and I really hope he recovers, not going to be easy for him but let's hope he has the strength and commitment to get through it all...

Glad to hear that his niece has fully recovered from her injuries..

Sounds like you've had a hectic time of it just lately but glad to see you back, you've been missed....I agree about the posts as well, the forum definately seems a lot busier just lately[:0]...xx[:)]

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 8:11 am
by Shining
Hi Emma, I'll be going to Manchester too, sorry to read your post and hope things improve x