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Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:57 pm
by luluj
Just been on the passport website as OH's expires this week and although we cannot afford to go anywhere, it is a form of ID and we have been asked for it every time we have renewed our tenancy agreement !

£72 to buy a new passport - £72 ....couldn't believe it....when I looked to see how much a renewal passport was I nearly fell out the chair - £72 as well !!!! Money for old rope - they also advise you to send it via the post office "check and send" need a new photo etc.....before you have finished to have your passport renewed and issue it will be in the region of £100 - ridiculous !

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 9:12 pm
by emma_t
Hi luluj

I agree, the charges are terrible[:0]

I had to get a new passport last year and needed it asap and as my old one had expired I had to have the one day premium service which was around £140 if I remember rightly[:0]

it is a new biometric one with a funny chip thingy in it, but no getting away from the dodgy passport photo - why does everyone look awful in passport photos[?]

They are also really strict now on the photos and there was a big debate whether my hair covered too much of my eye and they were going to make me have some more done. I said 'No' - I had spent ages on hair and make up before getting them done[:I]

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:09 pm
by kallis3
We renewed ours 18 months ago - don't need them yet, but decided to do it before the price went up.

Filled the forms in online, they then send them to you. That way, we knew they were filled in ok, just had to get the photo's.

Didn't need to use the check and send doing it that way.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:16 pm
by emma_t
The only thing with that Jan is you need to be so careful about the phots as they are soooo fussy these days[:0]

They were really funny with me and wanted me to tie my hair back, how does that look like me as I NEVER tie my hair back[:)]

My mum used check and send and they advised her to have more pics taken as they would not be accepted by the passport service.

I followed all the instructions really carefully in the booth thingy and in the end they were ok. Bloomin expensive those booths now also[:0]

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:18 am
by jane.l
I didn't know you could do them online. It costs us loads as we are 2 adults and 3 kids, ours are ok for another 5 years, but the kids ( I say kids, but 2 are over 16 now so will need adult ones next time, I suppose?) need doing next year, I think, can they be done online too???

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:32 pm
by kallis3
Unless it's changed, you just fill the forms in, they then send them to your, for you to do the rest.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:16 am
by ronhicks
Passports are not that cheap to make considering all the security stuff they need to have on them in order to make it harder to fake them, but I guess nigerians will find a way :P Another thing that some countries have started to ingregrate into their passports is an RFID chip which stores all kinds of data about you, it's all in the name of convenience and secuirty but I don't trust them :P

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:20 am
by kallis3
I have absolutely no problem with having my biometric details and fingerprints in my passport at all.

When you think about it really, the fact that a passport lasts you for 10 years and you can go round the world with it if you wish, then it's good value for money.

Anything which makes us more secure has to be a good thing.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:57 am
by Skippy
I have no problems with passport information (although I do object to the extortionate cost!) but I do seriously object to ID cards - as far as I'm concerned anything that has all our identifying information in one place is leaving you open to ID fraud.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 8:57 am
by freelili
I have just had to get one for my son, it was £80 including check and send. The thing that bothered me was the interview, you have to go for an interveiw now at the home office before they will grant one.

I can understand why they do this with terrorism and everything but my son couldnt answer their questions without my help so its very extremely delayed and I am very extremely peed off about it.

Also the home office is a very forboding place, they escort you everywhere.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:00 am
by Skippy
That's awful Lily. Do you know if you have to do that for renewals as well?

Another thing from rip off Britain - not only do you have to pay £80 for the passport (mine was £40 5 years ago!) you also have to pay the costs to go for an interview!

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:03 am
by freelili
I dont know Skip. I think its just for new passports. We couldnt find the flippin place in Birmingham and had to get a taxi. You have to prove youre entitled to a British passport now, even if youre from a long line of English descendants.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:07 am
by Skippy
Sorry to be thick (it's still early for me!), but how do you prove you're entitled to a British passport?

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:14 am
by freelili
We had to give our birth certificates, mine and my ex's plus their own (Christphers). They just check that youre who you say you are by asking questions only Chris would know the answer to. I think if you live in the country for a number of years you can apply. So they want to make sure you havent gotton aboard a meat wagon or trying to apply in someone else's name.

I am not sure of the rules to be honest, just what we were told at the interview.

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 9:20 am
by Skippy
I suppose it's a good thing really, but they do like making life difficult (and more expensive!) don't they?