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Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:19 pm
by Max
This is a question for the IPs if any are looking on a Sunday. At Church this morning (its a poor parish but serves some very wealthy villages nearby) the Parish Priest spoke about debt.In the congregation was the Manager of one of the local banks (as it happens mine) and a Crown Court Judge. The Parish Priest went to town on lenders and called them the "cancer of destitution") he also said that "...those who advise people in debt should, if the lenders become difficult, point out to them in no uncertain terms that the executives brought the banks to the brink of collapse, are taking their high salaries and bonus etc yet making life difficult for borrowers. He went onto say that their attitudes, if they are unhelful should be publicised and the Courts should tell the lenders to be more helpful and not allow their vindictive claims. The Judge was vigorously nodding his head, the Bank Manager just had his head down.The Parish Priest knows of my troubles and so he told those who need help to look at the forum and he read out the web address 4 times. My question to the IPs does the Parish Priest have a point with dealing with difficult creditors? David

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:43 pm
by kallis3
Good on your priest for advertising this forum! I hope if any other of his parishioners are in trouble that they pay us a visit.

As to the creditors, I don't think it is ever going to happen that they will leave the debtors alone.

I do agree though that once they are told that you are going for an IVA or DMP or BR that you should be left alone.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:50 pm
by MelanieGiles
I think creditor attitude to people in financial difficulty is gradually changing, and they do realise that some of the fault lies at their doors.

Strangely enough the vicar of our parish was also preaching about debt the other week - perhaps they have been advised to be more on the lookout for the stress it can cause members of their flock.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:58 pm
by David Mond
Good on your Parish Priest. Regretably I have yet to come across any banker who accepts that they have been irresponsible in (a) their lending policies and (b) who will acknowledge that they have helped create the recession and (c) whilst acknowledging that they will help businesses they will only lend to those businesses who project a profit - not the ones that need help to keep tem ticking over until better times come along!

I think we should have "bash a banker day" and request that they "get real" and look what is happening!

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:31 pm
by back on track
that made me smile out loud david[:D]
we in iva's got to take our share of the blame(that goes without saying),but the finacial institutions have themselfs gone into a kind of iva where the govement are paying there contributions.
its seems its ok for them to fail but when we do it they b***** well let us know about it so we should do the same back

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:33 am
by GinSkipper
I can't say that I agree with this Banker Bashing vibe...

Financial institutions may have been complicit with their lending policies that allowed me to get in to my position, but it is solely my responsibility.

I appreciate that the general public view of Banks is some what tainted at present. There is a lot that has gone on with the representation of the issues by journalists that seeks only to sensationalise the facts with half or selective truths.

I am not saying that Banks were model organisations, far from it!, but they have another side to the story, which is prevented from being heard. Ironically some of the issues discussed on this forum, relating to the handling of debt, have been influenced by Government & BoE policy.

I don't want to go in to specifics here, but when the Government take major shares and in some cases total control of some of our high street banks, the existing Debt Management policies were heavily criticised. This was not originally due to them being overly harsh but due to being soft! - The Government was originally more interested in protecting it's (our?) own stake while propping up with liquidity. To ensure this they requested significant changes towards debt recovery.

However, there unofficial policy has softened significantly, which follows the bad press and political pressure after the profile of debt recovery has greater publicised. I would of thought that this should now be visible at least to IP's as an improved approach towards dealing with insolvency?

With regards to lending, it seems that we the public want our cake and eat it! We criticise Banks for lending to people who may not be able to repay it but ask them to lend more to vulnerable individuals and businesses during a recession...?

Apologise for the rant, I feel I've said my piece and will let you all get back to ‘Bashing The Bankers’ (BTB). [B)]