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Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:46 am
by angela18
it is really hard learning to budget, with no fall back plan!! we have a small contingency fund which, I am determined not to use until its an emergency. We have done ok this month hubby gets paid tomorrow and have a small amount left in our shopping budget so will keep that in shoping account for when soap powder etc.. runs out as that can take a big chunk out of my shopping money!! fingers crossed we'll get there!!

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:53 am
by Kazzy E
Ang, I am sure it will take a while to get used to it, but for me, its what I need. I have been a bit blaze (sorry no acute on the keyboard) with money and need to really tighten my belt. Also I need to start saying to my 14 yr old, 'NO, WE CAN'T HAVE IT NOW, WE WILL HAVE TO SAVE UP'! That will be a feat in itself. Hey Ho, it will teach us all a really good lesson, and in five yrs (appx) time, we will look back on this as a very worthwhile exercise.

Going back to Drowning-mummy's post, does anyone know how to exchanged an email address without making it public on here. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thnx Kazzy x

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 6:59 am
by angela18
Kazzy.. admin can do it for you.. just ask.

We explained to our daughter about our money woes (not full extent) and she's 14 in september. She's been very good, to the point its brought me to tears sometimes!! Still have to say no sometimes though!!

You'll be fine, kids are more resilient than you think[:)]

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 7:02 am
by Kazzy E
Thanks Ang, I take it I do it here then? Andy, could you arrange this for me is possible please? Thnx Kazzy x

email on its way
admin [:)]

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 11:15 am
by pleasehelpme22
Hi Kazzy

Only just logged on after a few days with no computer, i just wanted to say Well Done on getting your new account sorted and also that i am in the same boat as you and many others, NR are mine and my partners main creditor and Melanie is also approaching them first, i believe letters have already been sent to them.

I was very nervous about cancelling DD and stopping all payments however we had to do what we had to do and we need to be able to get out of this mess and stop digging a deeper hole by robbing Peter to pay Paul...

We stopped paying our creditors last month and have had numerous calls from Creditors asking for payments and luckily enough all of them seem to have been fne with this , any HATE mail (as i call it) i have forwarded to Angela which in itself takes a weight off our minds.

Dont seem to have saved money as yet though because the car exhaust broke as did the back box and we needed the car fixed so spend what we had on that ! What a pain...

Im getting really stressed out that NR will reject us and am hoping so much they come back with the go ahead....

Anyway i have babbled on about myself, i just wanted to say Good Luck on your Jorney and i think we have chosen a very good IP


Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 9:50 pm
by MelanieGiles

Just to let you know that we have received the green light from Northern Rock to go ahead with your IVAs, so hope to have them drafted over the next couple of weeks.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2008 9:58 pm
by Kazzy E
Well done Tanya, thats great news. Hope I get similar news in due course. Well done Melanie! Kazzy

Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 12:19 am
by cath79
Great news you've been given the green light by NR.We also have NR as our main creditors, so hopefully we'll get as good as response as yourself


Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 12:33 pm
by pleasehelpme22
Wow only just read this , thanks so much Melanie... i feel we are one step closer .... this means so much to both of us , were so happy ... Thank you

Tanya xx

Good Luck to you Kazzy and Cath im sure you will get the response you want