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Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 7:11 pm
by Salts24
Up until now we have been coping with our debts but knew it wouldn't be for much longer as just wouldn't be able to maintain the payments. Had a cold call from a company called Money Taylor who arranged to come round and see us and discuss the debts.
They went through everything and listed all the debts v the income and because we had no disposable income maintaining the payments they came up with suggested payment proposal. Then discussed their fee and advised us what we needed to do ie new account etc and transfering all dd payments. Now 3 weeks down the line and the first batch of cc calls will start, as advised not to pay any more am worried that we have gone with a company we know nothing about let alone IVA, has anyone had any dealings with this company? what is a the usual rate for this service and could I pull out at this stage and change company. Just a little worried probably unfounded but I would normally research something before entering in to an agreement but it was so good to have a solution at the time that I think sensability went on the backburner. [:I]

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 8:13 pm
by Moneystinks
Hi Vix

I cannot answer your question, but many people who post on here have loads of good advice along with the forum experts - one of these will be along shortly.

I am not yet in IVA but are going through the process of trying to get one arranged. It is always worth while reading as much as you can about ALL your options and speaking to a couple of reputable IP. There are a couple who post on here Ian Millington and Melanie Giles. I am with Melanie - there are few people on here who are. You can also go to a website where you can read up on various IP's and how people have found their service (sorry cannot remember the website somebody will post with it for you though I'm sure).

Good luck and best wishes. XX

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 8:19 pm
by facingittogether
hi - sorry i have never heard of that company but i am not an expert on here!

i would get advise from a couple of ip s, make sure you feel comfortable with them as 5 years is a long time if you find you have made the right choice.

our ip is melanie and we have found her and her team to be superb!

good luck and let us know how you get on!

love barb x

Posted: Mon May 19, 2008 8:29 pm
by MelanieGiles
I feel sure that this company must be an intermediary rather than an IP firm, especially with a name like that! Have they said you have to pay any money to them - and if you feel uncomfortable with the advice you have received it could be beneficial to take a second opinion. Have they confirmed which IP firm you are going to be referred to so that you can make enquiries as to their reputation and level of service provided?

I have written a blog about choosing an advisor which you might like to read.