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Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 2:40 pm
by kal
After just paying my 3rd installment (where did that time go!), i just wanted to add my thoughts on the pros of my IVA.
Before I had it all settled, like many others on here i was robbing Peter to pay Paul, and although i never defaulted, i knew that my time was running out, as I used to pay for most things on credit cards, and as they built up, along with my overdraft, so did the amount at the end of the month to live on lessen.
I think what i am trying to say (in a roundabout way), is that since being in the IVA I have felt like a weight has been lifted - ok it is not something i want to be in, but I am.
I don't wake up with that awful feeling of dread, and I know that i have money in the bank that after the bills etc is mine (ok not flush).
I almost feel like I need to find something to worry about, now i don't need to worry about those bills/phone calls etc.
Does anyone else feel this way.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 3:12 pm
by Phil
Hi Worry about having enough money in the bank to cover the IVA payments,I treat it like a mortgage payment as I dont own any property so I make sure I have enough in at all costs.Plus you tend to worry about the reviews If your payment has to go up.Like you say though this is preferable to before when there seemed no end to misery of getting in more debt to cover your payment on debt you already had at least there is light at the end of the tunnel though a very long tunnel.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 3:15 pm
by Viki.W
Although I haven't sorted my IVA yet, I do feel a weight has been lifted. Just knowing that Melanie and her team are dealing with everything and that when creditors phone, I can honestly say that I am TRYING to sort it out. I know what you mean about the worrying thing.....I'm thinking of things to worry about now too. My creditors haven't phoned for two weeks now, I'm worrying about THAT!!!!![:0]

Viki X

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 3:19 pm
by suzanne100268
Hi Kal, that is reassuring to know. We are just at proposal stage hopefully our meeting will be very soon. Once its accepted (we have Melanie on board), we will have more money to live on than we ever did paying all our creditors! Fingers crossed they go for it. Sue

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 3:45 pm
by Shining
I can relate to the feeling of a weight lifted, I actually enjoy being in an IVA, not been an easy first few months for me, but having the security the IVA can offer is very reassuring. I do know for sure that I will never get into debt again as the stresses of the last few years have been immense and the relief now is wonderful, to go home to no post! to never have to hesitate before answering the phone and to know when I pay for something it's with my money.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:29 pm
by plasticdaft
I was paying £1456 a months to various unsecured creditors and really dont know ehere I got the money from to survive as long as we did.
The trust deed(scottish IVA) is our only option(dmp would take 14.5 years to pay if all interest and charges were stopped right away. You can always find something to worry about if you look hard enough,but if you can laugh at what you are worrying about it cant be too bad!!!

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:32 pm
by Soulgrowth
It's a great feeling isn't it! Since embarking on my IVA my finances have never been so organised [:)]

Really glad that it's going so well for you Kal.


Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:41 pm
by plasticdaft
Its more a lesson in how to manage your money than anything else IMO.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:44 pm
by Soulgrowth
I've become really mean since my IVA. I manage quite adequately with my basic nationwide account, with just a cash card and tend to pay for as much as I can with cash. When I go to hand over cash I always think it took me x amount of hours to earn that, do I really need this?! Often the answer is no!
