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Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:23 pm
by worryhead
I am so angry and upset, i was driving today, i came out of a junction on to a main road then some inconsiderat so and so tryed to over take me and side swiped the front of my car because he was speeding. The most annoying part is that my insurance say i am to blame.....what??? we are both with the same insurer and even though i have photos of where it happened and also the 68ft skid mark he left when breaking and where my car was (12 ft past the junction) they said they can not prove he was speeding due to the police not prosicuting. i called the police and because no one was hurt and nothing fell off my car they said its not a police matter. [:(] so the conclusion was i pulled out in front of him and he tried to minimise damage [:(] my excess is £100 but my car is only worth £695 (iva value) so more cost to fix and also losing my no claims if he counter claims (he had a tiny scuff on the bumper of his tank [:(] i just hope he does not claim cause i wont claim n try to do it privatly. Sorry for the long post just needed to have a rant.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:28 pm
by Viki.W
Rant away Worryhead, that's awful. What an idiot! Sorry, I don't know what to suggest. Any witnesses maybe, anyone in nearby shops that you could call on. I guess not, what a pain. X

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:45 pm
by worryhead
had witnessess, but aparently they dont count [:(] even the photos dont count [:(] its so stupid. so angry

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:47 pm
by LoneRanger
My parents were in a situation some years ago where a car pulled out of a junction and then quickly reversed back as he wasnt going to make the turn intime , and reversed into there car. According to the insurers my parents were to blame?!?!?!?! Some insurance claims are shocking with regrds to who is to blame and who isnt.

It must be horrible for you worry head.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:27 pm
by CJ08
Its nasty when things like that happen!! I once heard of a claim where someone was reversing back down the main road and someone reversing out of a side road into the same road (i know thats not allowed) but the other party who was reversing down the main road manged to claim against the person reversing out the side road... surely thats a 50/50 claim as they were both in the wrong noooo... the winning party also claime thousands in personal injury!!

Heres something that might cheer you up ... -scam/105/

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:49 pm
by worryhead
Thanks guys, it just seems so stupid that i have witnesses saying its his fault, photos of where my car was and also his 68ft skid mark and they still say it was me. If it was i would have held my hands up. I just cant belive it. Its just more cost i cant afford and need my car as i use it all day everyday in my job as i visit people everyday. i know its only a cheap car but its my first baby and i needed it to last me through my IVA. It sucks that all this evidence can not be fuming

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:23 pm
by plasticdaft
do you have legal cover on your policy. It may be that you can use it to act against your insurers?? Worth a try if you had the cover on your policy.

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:25 pm
by kallis3
Many years ago, when I was a copper, I parked my car in a street on the way home. Went to the supermarket and when I came back, the side had been caved in and the driver had gone. A very kind man had seen it happen, took all the details of the car and gave them to me. I reported it - to the same station I worked at. They visited the witness, took a statement from him, then visited the owner of the car. The description of the driver fitted his son to a T, the damage on the car was consistent with him having hit mine, but I was told there was insufficient evidence. And I was one of their own!!!!!!!

Lost loads of no claims bonus, and I never forgave the Inspector who let him get away with it!

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:27 pm
by Soulgrowth
What a pain for you ... so annoying [:(]


Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:48 pm
by worryhead
yes i hsve legal cover and it was the legal cover side that said it was a fault claim on my part [:(] i was gutted, they was the ones who said there is no proof.
Cant belive the things people can get away with, its so frustrating to know he will be sat there smug right now. gonna have to tell my IP i may need some extra funds to sort this out, not looking forward to it, they was really nice in the begining now all they care about is i pay them on time, even though my Income is less then my expenditure now they did not seem to want to help. But then again i never get to speak to my IPs, wondering if they even exsit [:)]

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:52 pm
by Lisa2009
I would try emailing your IP directly to his/her email address.
This can be found here

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 10:39 am
by jojo
That's awful Worryhead, I had something similar happen to me a few years back. Near my house they were turning a roundabout into a junction with traffic lights. Roadworks everywhere. I was on the roundabout and indicated to take my exit and some idiot in a white saab pulled out and hit my rear passenger door. I was 8 months pregnant at the time and just sat there in shock.One of the roadworkers came over and told me to drive over to where they'd moved some cones out of the way for us to get us out of the way, but as soon as I moved the git in the other car drove off as fast as he could!! No one even took his details!! As I only lived round the corner I called hubby who came to get me. He was furious!! Called the police who said to go to hospital etc first to get checked over and then go to station to report what had happened. Never caught the driver and couldn't claim on the insurance because my excess was £200 and car only worth £600!! It was a write off!! I now hate saab's!!

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:15 pm
by worryhead
Bless you, thats awful [:(] He said it was not that bad and was going to drive off and thats why he got mad when i said no and wanted his details. I am now sat waiting to find out if he has actually made a claim or not. Dont know if there is anyway to find out or how long he has to make a claim? Any ideas on when you need to claim by?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:50 pm
by CJ08
Normally insurers have to keep the claim open for 6 months.... But within reason can be longer I hate people like them there are the ones bumping up everyones premiums!! Just hope it all goes well for you and fight it every way!!

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:52 pm
by Skippy
I actually went up the back of another car a few years ago. Just as I did it an ambulance came round the corner and pulled over, blocking the other car which had turned around and was about to drive off. It turned out the driver was drunk, had no insurance and was an illegal immigrant. He was deported the next day and his car was scrapped by the police, presumably as there was something wrong with it as a Ford Fiesta doesn't usually write off an Audi A6!

I hope you get things sorted out Worryhead, dealing with insurance companies is such a pain x