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Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:10 pm
by joh71262
Hi all !

I have just received my renewal for home contents insurance and it's well over £200.

Previously, I elected not to have any excess on my policy which worked well at times if small items got broken. Now, they have decided to add an excess to the policy AND increase the premium. I claimed once last year for a clock that cost £47 !!

Can anyone recommend an efficient insurance company to deal with please ? Either they replace like for like quick smart or at least deal with the claim efficiently.



Happy Sunny Saturday

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:16 pm
by chris.g
I'm with Morethan, but had been with co-op for yrs before that. Had pet insurance with morethan for quite a few years and they've always been quick to settle

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:27 pm
by CoverItAll
Have a look at
DMS Best Advice Model

Anyone asking for a quotation before Monday July 7th is also entered into a Draw for a £25 M&S Gift Card. Then, if they buy the cover at their renewal date, they will receive a £25 M&S Gift Card 3 months afterwards.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:47 pm
by jpj
Plasticdaft has just shopped around and got theirs for £169.00 through the AA !

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:20 pm
by plasticdaft
Have a look at coz thats where I got mine through. Better cover and half the price. There were plenty of other quotes if you wanted to use a different company but the AA offered everything we wanted(and emergency cover too). The plus side is you dont get anyone phoning you to offer quotes its all done online. Even paid online with electron card(deposit,the rest by D/D,interest is added but its still a great deal).

Give it a go,nowt to loose!!

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:34 pm
by luluj
contents only £9.77 per month with th Post Office and they give you £25 back after 60 days !

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:37 pm
by plasticdaft
Perhaps even worth registering with quidco and looking on their site as you can get money back through them. Not used them personally but heard good things.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:40 pm
by Skippy
We had problems getting contents insurance when we moved last year. We live a couple of minutes walk from the river, and the property flooded in 1948 (yes, 1948!) and most companies refused to insure us. Those that would wanted a copy of an Environment Agency report, which cost £25 and would take 2-3 weeks to get to us. In the meantime we had no insurance - Dave asked if they would give us insurance for everything except flood cover, but they wouldn't do that. In the end he found a company who would insure us, but once they asked if anyone had a criminal record or was bankrupt (I wasn't impressed at BR and a criminal record being in the same question!) at the address they didn't want to know! After a lot of arguing we got the insurance through Lloyds TSB via the AA.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 4:59 pm
by Moneystinks
Skippy that is horrendous! [:0]

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:14 pm
by plasticdaft
Yes bankrupt/mass murderer,no difference obviously. stupid flippin country!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 6:22 pm
by Skippy
What really, really winds me up is that if I committed a crime (other than murder) it would fall off my record within a set time and I wouldn't have to declare it. However, if I'm asked at any point in the future if I have ever been bankrupt I have to say yes or else I'm committing an offence.

It just goes to show that we value money more highly that anything in else in this country, probably too highly.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:24 pm
by kallis3
Skippy, in this day and age, once you get a criminal record it stays with you throughout life, regardless of when it happened. Even if you didn't commit the offence, your details remain on the national database, as do your fingerprints and dna.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:47 pm
by Skippy
Has that changed recently? I'm sure it used to be that a conviction was spent after a certain period of time.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:40 pm
by kallis3
I just wrote out a long reply and then lost it!

I believe that a 'spent' conviction means that if you have not come to notice for a good few years then you are thought to have learned your lesson so to speak. I know of a policeman who was convicted of burglary when he was 14, but still went on to be a copper.

However, the record is still on the Police National Computer. Everytime someone comes to notice now with the police, they have their fingerprints, photograph and DNA taken. Regardless of what happens to that person, the record remains on the computer and the prints etc, remain on file with whatever police force. Every other force in the country also has access to that record.

If you are not convicted, you can at least answer questions truthfully that you have no convictions, but you will still have a record. It's totally wrong, but that's the law.

If you go for a job with a sensitive nature, you will have your prints and photo taken and a check will be made. If your details turn up, or even some similar, your fingerprints will be checked and the Criminal Record Bureau informed so they can see whether you are suitable for the job or not.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:45 pm
by plasticdaft
I thought that if charges were not brought all dna,prints etc were destroyed?? I know mine were..........not a crook,had mine taken for elimination purposes after entering a youth club that had been broken into(not that I touched anything,coz I aint dumb!!!),was hoping to find the thieves inside but alas they were long gone with a laptop and cash box!!!