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IVA approved...through a different IP

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 11:04 am
by IvaIn2018
Hello all

I thought I would post an update as I asked for advice here a few months ago. I had paid a company to carry out mortgage mediation on my behalf and they made an absolute horlicks of it. I was then passed to their IVA team who managed to carry out the same level of diligence and professionalism (!) in submitting my IVA application. Needless to say, it was declined. And was declined even though the offer was substantial (both lump sum final and then an offer of 570 a month plus overtime).

I turned to the CAB and they referred me to Aperture. My local rep here was very helpful and the Manchester office were a mixed bag. I had to be quite persistent in obtaining updates but was told today that it was now in place! It was 6 years rather than 5 years but at 450 a month rather than the larger monthly proposed by the other IP.

Really chuffed it's in place, and quite bitter that I had paid a lot of money for the other "services" and got nowhere!

Hoping someone will read this after their first refusal and not lose hope!!

Re: IVA approved...through a different IP

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 11:08 am
by Foggy
Glad it was finally sorted. Fingers crossed for a smoother ride from now !

Re: IVA approved...through a different IP

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 11:17 am
by IvaIn2018
Foggy wrote:
Glad it was finally sorted. Fingers crossed for a smoother ride from now !

Thank you! And for your help and advice earlier too Foggy!

Re: IVA approved...through a different IP

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 4:33 am
by luluj
So pleased you are now on a journey uo drbt freedom and one that is affordable. Treat the iva as a 6 year loan .. you will be amazed once settled how quickly it will go.

Good luck