1yr in,,,,Spoke to IP

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Post by kallis3 » Sat Jun 28, 2008 2:17 pm
It's funny how things end up isn't it? At least he understands and you can see what it's like to come out the other side.
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The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
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Post by johnt » Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:25 pm
Tiny, I wouldn't feel jealous of most of your friends and neighbours. The chances are their already running up huge debts of their own or soon will be.

I've been in my IVA with my wife for nearly a year, and things have really improved. I still have enough left at each month to save for birthdays and Christmas, were even going to Italy for a week in August, got a pre-pay credit card and hire car sorted. It's fantastic knowing I'm not getting any credit card statements in the post.

Don't worry about everyone else, if you had more money, you really wouldn’t be any happier. Concentrate on the really important things in life. If some of your friends are snobs let them get on with it. The chances are their pretty insecure themselves and it's the only way they can find happiness :)


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Post by Endsmeet » Sat Jun 28, 2008 3:38 pm
I too have just reached my 12 month mark (August), I find it so worrying at times like you say, birthdays Christmas and hols etc.
I was even worried sick about my annual review which I've just had and you know what...?
Theres nothing to worry about...honestly
You have made the right decision, there is a way of looking at it .

Firstly there are only 4 more Christmases and birthdays to go, you may have nothing left over at the end of the month but tell me someone who has and are not in an IVA or Bankrupt situation, betcha we all know someone?
At least you haven't got the worry of meeting the min payments every month, the phone calls and the possibility of callers.

Just think back on how it used to be/feel, thats what I do, the constant worrying about the things I've mentioned before, the bills dropping thru your door on the same day each month.
I had 15 yrs of it and this is the best time of it all, one payment a month and everything is taken care of.

Ok, you may have to find that extra bit of money for something special now and again, but you do don't ya...and its not on the never-never, its your cash and doesn't it feel good?

Hang on in there, they say that a certain percentage of IVAs fail within the first 12 months, well you've reached that milestone and nows the time to look forward to the next.


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Post by tinytori » Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:27 pm
thanks for all ur replys made me feel much better, Im going to give my AC manager a ring on Monday xxxxxxx


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Post by angela18 » Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:27 am
my friend has just come back from Mexico and she lives in a lovely house.. they earn not much more than us.. have only 1 child the same..

she said it was a bargain at £900 for 3 of them All Inclusive.. she said she just stuck it on the credit card.. scary really

we are really skint this month.. had dog boosters for both of them, which aren't covered by insurance, just had car tax.. cupboards and freezer quite empty this month so need a big shop.. we normally just by the basics (bread, milk fruit etc) as always have frozen food and tins to fall back on.. anyway C'est la vie.. we just have to get on with it best we can...[:)]
Last edited by angela18 on Sun Jun 29, 2008 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ang.. 13 payments in.. WOW, thats over 20% paid!! http://angela18.blogs.iva.co.uk/ well here we go

if you wish for a rainbow... then you have to put up with the rain xx


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Post by kallis3 » Sun Jun 29, 2008 10:37 am
I have to agree that £900 for three of them is a bargain!!!!!!! I would not have hesitated to put that on a card in the past. I've learned my lesson, and in future, if I can't afford it - tough!

Not been on holiday since 2005, and that was all on a card! Won't be going again anytime soon either!

We have dog boosters as well and I have just paid the car tax. My older dog, who is 14, is not too good on her pins now so I am thinking she might not be with us for too much longer, so that will probably be another expense (not looking forward to that one!)

We'll struggle on.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
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Post by angela18 » Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:26 am
we the same our older staffie is 11 and on her way out.. got a cold at minute so we'll see how she goes with that.. vet said £118 to come to house and do the deed and then take to pet crem.. might have to be an option.. he's amazed she lasted this long as on steroids for allergies.. sad though to think got to decide if get pups his bits done or her put out of misery so to speak!!

Not having a good time at the minute
Ang.. 13 payments in.. WOW, thats over 20% paid!! http://angela18.blogs.iva.co.uk/ well here we go

if you wish for a rainbow... then you have to put up with the rain xx


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Post by kallis3 » Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:43 am
I can feel for you Ang. It's such a terrible thing to watch them fade away as ours seems to be. It'll be her back end that lets her down. She is a lurcher and quite tall and her muscle tone on her back legs is pitiful. She has fallen over a couple of times recently and does have a bit of a problem with her halance occasionally. I just keep willing her to carry on.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley.
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