Hi everyone,
Thank you all once again, hit an emotional wall last night and everything seemed hopeless again, but feeling much better now and back in positive mode after talking to you all again. Pants day on the market again just about broke even, but I'm beginning to wonder wether it's me as my mind is miles away and I'm finding it difficult to concentrate, I'm sure it must show to my customers, not great when your self employed, I just feel so tired all the time. Anyway moan over, slap with a wet fish and back to positive mode. My wife is taking the final part of her driving instructors test tomorrow so fingers crossed she passes and that would be a huge help. It also looks like we may have a buyer for the house so we could soon be in a position to offer a chunk of money, hope it's enough, really can't go on in zombie mode for much longer. Day off tomorrow (Wednsday and I am determined to speak to someone, ur all right what is the worst that can happen, things can't really get any worse, can they? I only say tomorrow not today as I've only just got back and can't face it right now, I know that probably sounds like I'm putting it off and maybe I am but I have a few more deep breaths to take. Thanks Jo for putting my mind at rest over Northern Rock, that was really worrying me and I was beginning to think what's the point of going through all of that if it's going to be rejected anyway, so that has helped, cheers. Also one other thing I picked up on you say with my wife's share of the proceeds of the house, don't really understand what you mean, wouldn't all of the money just be thrown into the creditors pot, leaving us with nothing? Also another thing really worrying me is would we be able to rent somewhere once I go into an IVA? Sorry guys with so many questions I know the only real answer is to pick up the phone and talk to someone. Huge help having you there everyone, thanks again for listening, I will let you know what happens.
Best wishes to all