Hi all, I am so sorry I've not been on for a week or so

I hope your all well & hello to any new posters from me x
Well I know quite a few of you whom are on my FB know we had a bit of a surprise! I'm pregnant, I had no idea till I was over 8 weeks & yes it came as a bit of a shock! But hubby n I have got to grips with it n are happy & scared at the same time.
I'm high risk & will be consultant lead, as I don't do pregnancy well. My youngest was born at 30wks & 6 days gestation & I had been going into pre mature labour since 26 weeks. If u have a look at my blogg i wrote about my experience. There was no medical reason as to why it happened & it was thought best not to have anymore after my youngest.
I also have a rare blood problem where I have antibodies in my blood, which makes me very awkward for blood transfusions & could cause problems. I shall update my Blog with it all later x
So Ive gotta take it easy! And will be monitored closely, so let's hope n fingers crossed, I get through to my due date: 27 Jan 2012

Ooooo! And as we r totally unprepared for this happening again, I need you all to get knitting!

Right I've not been on here since I announced it on FB, sorry! I really have had my hands full. My mum has been under going investigations into problems with her legs/MS/osteoporosis. We have noticed a rapid decline in health & this past 5/6 days, she has really been off it. Yesterday mum was really poorly, she stayed in bed all day, never ever done that b4. At teatime black tarry blood started pouring from her rear. I phoned an ambulance & after getting a GP out, to we persuaded her to go to hospital.
She is seriously poorly, lost alot of blood, had a blood transfusion & fluids & is going through some investigations. She is very confused & scared & I have never seen her look so poorly, ever. My dad is so upset, he never cries, but he did today.
So happy & sad times.
I'm so sorry I've not been around, miss you all, will be back as soon as I can xxxx
Final IVA payment made in April 2013, never ever thought we could do it or get through it but we did! X
An IVA.co.uk Mentor is someone sharing from their experiences of dealing with debt
Lyns x