Baby news :) & Sad news :(

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Post by MrsKnight » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:42 pm
Hi all, I am so sorry I've not been on for a week or so :( I hope your all well & hello to any new posters from me x

Well I know quite a few of you whom are on my FB know we had a bit of a surprise! I'm pregnant, I had no idea till I was over 8 weeks & yes it came as a bit of a shock! But hubby n I have got to grips with it n are happy & scared at the same time.
I'm high risk & will be consultant lead, as I don't do pregnancy well. My youngest was born at 30wks & 6 days gestation & I had been going into pre mature labour since 26 weeks. If u have a look at my blogg i wrote about my experience. There was no medical reason as to why it happened & it was thought best not to have anymore after my youngest.
I also have a rare blood problem where I have antibodies in my blood, which makes me very awkward for blood transfusions & could cause problems. I shall update my Blog with it all later x
So Ive gotta take it easy! And will be monitored closely, so let's hope n fingers crossed, I get through to my due date: 27 Jan 2012 :) Ooooo! And as we r totally unprepared for this happening again, I need you all to get knitting! :) x

Right I've not been on here since I announced it on FB, sorry! I really have had my hands full. My mum has been under going investigations into problems with her legs/MS/osteoporosis. We have noticed a rapid decline in health & this past 5/6 days, she has really been off it. Yesterday mum was really poorly, she stayed in bed all day, never ever done that b4. At teatime black tarry blood started pouring from her rear. I phoned an ambulance & after getting a GP out, to we persuaded her to go to hospital.
She is seriously poorly, lost alot of blood, had a blood transfusion & fluids & is going through some investigations. She is very confused & scared & I have never seen her look so poorly, ever. My dad is so upset, he never cries, but he did today.

So happy & sad times.

I'm so sorry I've not been around, miss you all, will be back as soon as I can xxxx
Last edited by MrsKnight on Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Final IVA payment made in April 2013, never ever thought we could do it or get through it but we did! X

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Lyns x


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Post by kallis3 » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:24 am
Congratulations on the news Lyns.

Sorry to hear about your mum, I hope she recovers.
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Post by MrsKnight » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:57 am
Thanks Jan,

I was really tired when I wrote this and I was wanting to get back to the forum but just never seemed to find the energy & time.
With this happening with my Mum, my time is taken up with the boys & my Dad & getting to n from hospital.
Mum was an absolute nightmare in being persuaded to go to hospital, it was horrible to witness her become so poorly. I know she is in the right place, she was begging us yesterday to take her home & not to leave her. Hopefully we might have some answers today as she had a endoscopy investigation late yesterday afternoon.

Ive had to ask a couple of mums at school for their phone numbers & the boys went home with a mum yesterday & had tea there, whilst I was at hospital. Everyone is telling me to take it easy n Im doing my best but its hard.
Ive got to pop in & see my midwife to get my bloods done again in a couple of weeks, which I will be around 15 weeks pregnant by then. Im desperate to go as Ive asked her to "listen in" to bump to stop me from worrying, especially after all this x
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Post by Struzzo39 » Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:20 am
Soo sorry to hear your news lyns, fingers crossed shes be well enough to come home soon. As for the pregnancy ring your hospital and ask for an earlier consultant appt for a reassurance scan, we happily do it within our trust if there is cause to do so and with your history I certainly feel it warrants. Take care xx
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Post by MrsKnight » Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:36 am
Hi struzzo

Thank u, I did not know u could do that, nice to have someone on here that knows about these things. I've had 3 scans already at 8 & 9 were for small bleeds, which they have put down to cervical erosion. I went for my official dating scan last week. They know with my history I'm quite nervous about this pregnancy & there is nothing saying to me there is anything up. I'm just a born worrier, so I'm probably going to be a nightmare this time round! But I am trying to keep positive & calm x
Last edited by MrsKnight on Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
Final IVA payment made in April 2013, never ever thought we could do it or get through it but we did! X

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Post by Shining » Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:59 am
Lyns, put the forum on the back burner, look after your yourself and your family. Your health is important, stay strong and I am so happy about your news in respect of the pregnancy. My grandsons birthday is 27th January! I have 7 grandchildren and they're growing everyday at a very quick rate so anything we can help with do give me a shout and we'll try and sort something.

I, sincerely hope Mum improves soon, Dad must be frantic, my love to you all.
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Post by lukeofyorkshire » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:15 pm
Wow Lyns. I totally echo what lesley said.

Congratulations on the pregnancy and I hope it all goes well for you and will be keeping my fingers crossed.

27th Jan is also one of my numerous nieces birthdays!

As for your Mother I hope they can find out what the problem is and have her better soon.

Much love to you and all the family. xxx
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Post by kallis3 » Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:51 pm
You need to look after yourself and your family Lyns - the forum will be here for you as and when.

You know where I am off forum if you need anything.
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Post by kazzafunk » Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:06 pm
Hi Lyns,

Sorry to hear about your mum honey. I hope they can diagnose and treat asap.
As for you, you need to take time out to rest every day. Your Mum wouldn't be happy if you put yours or your babes health at risk so every now and again you need to switch off and rest.

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Post by MrsKnight » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:59 am
Hi all, thank u so much.
Jan I know your there off the forum, I really appreciate it. I've literally not had the time n been so tired when I do sit down. Only good thing a out it is that I'm that tired I sleep hard on.
Lesley thank u hunny, I'm getting loads of support from a couple of friends :) I've already got a car seat from a old school friend. My friend I gave my travelcot to is bringing it back, a friend from school is giving me a gorgeous cot from mothercare, when her son goes into a bed in a few months, & also given n saved me cot bedding. I get quite excited thinking about it all! So I'm doing quite well so far, clothes n toys is probably going to be what I end up short on. When I think back to the stuff I gave away I could kick myself now, but never mind & never know this might be a pink one :) x

Update on mum: they gave found a very large ulcer & lots of other smaller ulcers. They managed to get samples & have sent it off for testing. This explains alot in regards to what we have been noticing, mum was only 6st (5ft 5) & she has lost do much weight .
I'm afraid my mum can be very selfish, I had to phone the ambulance or she would of bleed to death, but she refused to go, they had to call our GP out to see If he could section her, but u can't section someone whom is aware of what's going on to receive treatment. I went to pieces n the paramedics pulled me away & said they would try to convience her to go, but if not we would had to monitor her n call 999 again when it got worse. It was over an hour b4 they got her in the ambulance. Its taken me n dad 2 days to clear up the mess, bedding etc have had to be thrown away, walls washed, bathroom gutted, it really was like something out of a horror film.
Even now she is ripping her drips out when we go to see her, all she says is "I want to go home, you don't want me, you want rid of me, I won't get better here". Mum has now forgotten all together that I'm pregnant & what this could be doing to me & dad.

Well we shall see what today brings xxxx
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Post by Skippy » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:35 am
I'm so sorry to hear about your mum Lyns. I hope that now your mum is in hospital they will be able to treat her and she will be able to go home.

I know it's not easy, but you have to take time for yourself and look after yourself and the little one.

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Post by kazzafunk » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:09 pm
Just try and remember that your Mum probably doesn't know what she's saying if she's poorly. Unfortunately when people get older, serious illness can bring on different types of dementia (temporary or permanent) and all you can do in this instance is grit your teeth babe. And have a good moan, whinge or cry with your best friends.
How's you Dad coping?
Thinking of you

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Post by kallis3 » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:03 pm
Lyns, just caught up with this again. I hope your mum is better today.

You have to think about yourself and the new little one as well so try not to get too stressed (not easy I know).
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Post by langerbridge » Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:35 am
Lyns Congrats on your pregnancy! I've seen what you have been through with your mum so many times as a nurse & had the same with a family member & they only went as they collapsed. Older people really don't like to go to hospital & only when it gets so bad do they go (yes that is a sweeping statement but my experiences in healthcare support it)! Hopefully your mum doesn't need to stay in too long & then she can come home!!
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Post by kallis3 » Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:09 am
My parents practically live at the hospital they have so many appointments!!! Dad seems to spend more time in there as an in patient these days as well.
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