Hi Rita
You could consider using this template to send to HSBC Data Controller:
Dear Sirs
Re: Account Number xxxxxxxxxxx
After consultation with both the Information Commissioner and the Credit Reference Agencies, I am writing directly to you to request that you formally update my credit files in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
My IVA was completed on <Date on your completion certificate >, and <name of creditor> was included within my IVA. For your convenience I have attached a copy of my completion certificate.
Currently the information that you have recorded against my name with the Credit Reference Agencies is factually incorrect, and despite several written requests to your customer services , as yet your company has failed to correct the entries as required.
• It is requested that if you intend to default the account, the default entry must be no later than <Date your IVA was approved>, in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
• It is requested that you mark the account in some way as to indicate that it is settled or satisfied, in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
The Information Commissioner has indicated that I should allow you 28 calendar days from the date you receive this letter to comply, during this time you are requested either to update the Credit Reference Files correctly (of all three Credit Reference Agencies) or notify me in writing the reasons that you refuse to.
After the 28 days have elapsed the Information Commissioner has requested that I inform them if your company fails to update the records so that they may take any necessary enforcement action against your company.
I have copied the relevant information provided by the Information Commissioner as an attachment to this request.
Yours faithfully
IVA Completion certificate