Great news

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Post by anais743 » Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:32 pm
I have recieved some fantatstic news today in that Melanie is prepared to take on and look at my IVA proposal. I have spoken with a couple of firms who said they would propose my IVA but from the feedback I have read on this site and the assistance I have had from Melanies side kick Tina I would not want anyone else to deal with my finances.

Its only early days and who knows whats round the corner or what the outcome will be but I feel good about things today. I am a serving polcie officer so my next big hurdle is to sit down and speak with my employers aout my situation rather than annonymously like I have been until now.[:0] scary!

One things for sure in my line of work I see things that make me realise that health, love and family is the most important thing and life is for living. Soemtimes its so easy to get wrapped up in lifes difficulties but I can assure people that compared to how some people are forced to live (drugs,abuse,homeless etc) we have alot to be thankfull and happy for and money is not the be all and end all.

With my extra spring in my step i might catch a few more burglars tonight![:D]
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Post by aguise » Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:55 pm
Burglars beware ! Really pleased for you. I have no doubts you have a great Ip and team looking after you. Keep smiling[:)]

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Post by angela18 » Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:17 pm
Hi Anais

We've just been accepted by Melanies team so we'll be going through the process together!! We can give each other an ear to bend... I agree Tina is lovely. Just wrote first of crditors letters today
Ang.. 13 payments in.. WOW, thats over 20% paid!! well here we go

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Post by anais743 » Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:23 pm
Hi angela

lets see if where both still posting in five years time! Would be nice to have some moral support[:)]
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Post by OPTIMIST12 » Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:24 pm
There have been so many good posts about Tina at Melanies office - I think she deserves a Bonus from the boss!!!!
47 months completed - 13 months to go.


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Post by MelanieGiles » Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:25 pm
Glad to have you both on board with us - we will do our very best for you as always.

And SSSSSHHHHH about the payrise Optimist - she will get too many ideas!!!
Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner


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Post by angela18 » Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:31 pm
Thanks Anais, Hopefully we will still be here in 5 years time in a happier situation.[:)] and thanks to Melanie and her team as well just for making us feel normal as opposed to a 2nd class citizen
Ang.. 13 payments in.. WOW, thats over 20% paid!! well here we go

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Post by Soulgrowth » Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:44 pm
Just wanted to wish you good luck folks ... sounds as if you are both in safe hands now [:)]



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Post by emma_t » Thu Feb 21, 2008 9:54 pm
Hi anais and angela

I initially started my route to an iva with another company and thought I was getting good advice as I did not know any better and had never even heard of an iva before.
I came accross this forum and it was a revelation to me and I realised I was probably not getting the right advice and things had not been fully explained to me. I then filled in Melanie's contact form as she gives such honest and good advice i knew I would be given the proper advice for my stuation.
When i spoke with Tina my thoughts on Melanie's company were confirmed and I knew I was getting great advice that was right for me.
It helped to lift a lot of the stress for me as I had so much confidence in them all, if I was ever worried about anything I picked up the phone and was reasurred.
You are both in very safe hands and I wish you both luck[:)]

anais - I hope all goes well with telling your employer and lock up lots more nasty burglars[:)]
I noticed on Monday that someone has tried to break in to my house as there are marks around the front door and the seal has hoes in it. The local bobby thinks it was a screwdriver or something like that. I think I need to brush up my dogs attack skills[:0] Only joking he would be rubbish!!!!Luckily I have an alarm for that[;)]

Good luck
Emma x
Be positive & look after yourself, there are more important things in life than debts....

Best Wishes

Emma x


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Post by chris.g » Thu Feb 21, 2008 11:09 pm
[:D] Congratulations anais and angela, both of you must be really pleased. Good luck with telling your employers anais, and catching the bad guys...Keep up the good work.[8D][^]
It's nice to be back......


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Post by stoney » Thu Feb 21, 2008 11:10 pm
Hi Anais

We have just gone through the IVA process with the help of Melanie and her team. Our IVA was approved last friday 15th feb and we are so happy now. Feel like we can breathe again. I found all of her team including Tina very helpful and informative and to be honest we didnt speak much on the phone, email worked well for us and if I had a question which we thought of late in the evening, I posted on here and sure enough the "lady" herself always gave a prompt reply. Theres not much better service than that is there? Good luck with speaking to your Employers. I used to work in a Bank and you definitely are not the first Police Officer to suffer financially. It can happen to any one of us. This forum will help you through the process for sure. Today I felt a bit down, it seems that your mind is taken up with so much to think about and then when its all sorted, its a bit of a "flat" feeling. Bit like Christmas in a way.

Good luck
Sue x


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Post by sblack » Thu Feb 21, 2008 11:28 pm
I agree with you all, we have just sent our proposal back to Melanie so we will hopefully have a date for our meeting soon.
We initially spoke to Tina and she was fantastic, in fact every member of Melanie's team who we have had telephone or email contact with has been great.
They really are a credit to Melanie.[:)][:)]
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Post by MelanieGiles » Thu Feb 21, 2008 11:31 pm
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys - it means a lot to me but also to my hardworking team who are the real treasures.
Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner


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Post by Skippy » Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:40 am
I really wish I'd been referred to Melanie, or even better saved the referral fees and found her myself! I think my IVA would have had a better chance of succeeding as proposal would have been more realistic.


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Post by angela18 » Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:47 am
thanks for all of those kind words. Just hope everything is going to be ok! Trying to get everyjthing Melanies team needs, don't want to let them down also[8)]
I'm also dreading telling my employer as I work for HMRC. I know a colleague never did and there IVA has now competed, but don't know if i can live 5 years in fear of them finding out. Think in the end Honesty will prevail!!!
Ang.. 13 payments in.. WOW, thats over 20% paid!! well here we go

if you wish for a rainbow... then you have to put up with the rain xx
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