If I ruled the Country Boxing gloves available

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Post by mish1953 » Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:15 pm
If I ruled the country. [;)]

This is a mad scotsman's ecomonic theory !
Bear in mind I am BR and disillusioned with the credit society

1) You must have 25% deposit for all loans - including mortgages
2) The maximun that you can borrow is annual salary x 2
3) All credit cards must be prepaid
4) any debt in excess of item 2) must be referred to insolvency service
5) VAT reduced to 7.5%
6) Fuel tax reduced to 30p per litre
7) Car tax minimum £1000 pa, motorcycles under 400cc- nil, electric vehicles - nil
8) 50% of all new houses built to be available to rent
9) Railways to be re-nationalised
10) 50% of all energy to be from UK sources.

Och aye - I voted to join the Comman Market not this stoopid EU , I voted for free trade not more people and daft rules.
If you asked me to vote to stay in the EU - I would vote NO - NON - Doh !

Ok thats all sounds draconian and maybe daft but I love a good scrap !

1) 25% deposit means that you have to save .. yep save 1/4 of the price before buying
2) salary x 2 , just watch the property market tumble ! realistically 2 years salary is a lot of money to most people
3) Credit cards -- 29% apr ... are you bloody mad - of course you are .
4) If you owe more than 2 x your salary how are you going to pay it back ? How long will it take?
5) I pay tax on my wages - why should I pay 17.5% tax on stuff that I buy ? This will reduce the price of goods in the shops and encourage business
6) This will really help business, lower the price of goods .
7) yep -- get as many cars off the road as possible, encourage public transport, reduce pollution and congestion , when I was a kid most people didnt have cars - we managed !
8) The housing market crashed ( see 2 above ), change the culture away from house ownership , its not a bad thing to own your house but its a bad thing when it costs too much.
9) More trains, cheaper tickets, it should cost me less to get a train from London to Aberdeen than it does to fly !
Get folk out of their cars , onto the trains , Beeching should have been shot ! Anyone remember him ?
10) Its daft that this country should rely on external energy,we should be 100% self sufficicent but 50% would be a start .
Did you know that scotland is considering deep mining for coal
The UK coal reserves are massive !

Go on then[}:)] - come up with something better - Ive got my boxing gloves ready !

Pass me another whisky please
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Post by Skippy » Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:36 pm
I agree with all of it Mish, apart from the car tax bit! Sadly Dave and I have to have 2 cars - it would take me ages to get to work in the morning and he is a self employed handyman so needs to be able to get around during the day. I would use public transport if it was made a more attractive proposition - cleaner, more staff, more efficient. If I go out and come back late I would much rather get in my car than stand on my own at a bus stop or train station.

As I said, I agree with the rest as another disillusioned bankrupt!

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Post by mish1953 » Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:05 pm
Ach weel , Dave would have to be car tax exempt 'cos it's a business vehicle , and u would need a wee scooter or one on yon new fangled cars run on electrickery ...

Once a week bin collections
Street lights off after midnight
Each council to run public works depts to help local employment.

Rant ..rave...muttter...mumble

I shay waitsher pash me shome more whishky pleashe

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Post by Skippy » Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:32 pm
Once a week bin collections - pleeeeease!!!

I won't argue with you about the cars - you might be bigger than me!

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Post by mish1953 » Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:53 pm
Bin collections ... arrrghhhhhh
I live next door to a chippy ... some folk very kindly put their rubbish in my bin -- unwrapped food waste ... yep last year during that really hot spell I went to put some wrapped rubbish into my bin . opened it ... and thousands of maggots came spewing out , it was at night .. did you know that they are attracted to light !
Nearest light source my front door and a street light .. and the front of the chippy ...
I tried salt - nope, houshold cleaner - nope, swept as many as I could into the gutter, chippy owner went mad ( he's chinese ), I quickly went onto the web to see if I could find a way of getting shot of them quickly ... turned off the house lights, doused the area in petrol .. that does it - especially when I chucked a match ... booooom ... I was sensible nothing flammible nearby .. chippie owner went mental . Then used a high pressure hose to wash the wee sods into the drains ..

I now wash the bin out with petrol every month - it breaks the waxy coating down and they stay well away.

Bloody fortnightly collections ...

rant ...rave...gibber...

hic can I havshe shome more whishky now

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Post by Skippy » Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:04 pm
We live in a block of flats with communal bins and the council are switching to fortnightly collections in September. Sadly the dopy muppets that live here can't put their rubbish in the bins now, they pile it up around them, so I dread to think what it'll be like when it's not collected weekly! I have phoned the council to report rats (vermin Fawlty!) on a few occasions - alright, I might have had one too many, and those shadows don't half look like rats! We did get the bin area tidied up though!

Those maggots sound disgusting!

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