Introducing Sammy.

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Post by cazlizzy » Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:31 pm
Well I was ordered over here by of course ran as fast as I could, with only a little detour to a topic I hadn't noticed before.[;)]
Shame it wasn't me skip wanted here though...but that blasted cat Sammy!

He, being Sammy not Skippy, gets into everything I do, so no surprise he managed to follow me here too. That was how he became my companion over 18yrs ago, at just a few weeks old and following a lot of pleading for a kitten by my then 14yr old daughter.

She first brought him to me at about 4 weeks old, our neighbours cat was the mother and she let her bring him to show me. Regular visits followed and I resisted all pleas to offer him a home....even the "but mum, look at those big blues can you not want it???"
Truth is I love cats....cant remember a time without one...but Missy, our resident female was a one owner cat and expected the same of me. She was very protective of her belongings...and I was her number one possession. My daughter knew this having over time brought me numerous waifs and strays to look after for a bit,and seen the ensuing battles and flying fur. We both understood, or so I assumed, that Missy would not tolerate even the smell of another cat within our home and so it would be unfair to a newcomer to offered a permanent home with us.

I was busy decorating my bedroom the next time He came to visit and with a paste brush in one hand and a pasted piece of paper in the other,I was half way up a ladder when said daughter popped him in my overall pocket and said, "you just need some quality time with it to get to know each other"

"you can take it back now" I shouted, as she left the room. " I mean it...he isn't staying here...."
She roared with laughter and as she popped her head around the door, " you checked its sex then...thats a good sign" I turned to give her the mothers don't you dare try to wrong foot me look...but she was gone. "Anyhow" I shouted, "I need to get this done and I cant with this ball of long gray fur purring away in my pocket!!!" my words fell on deaf ears as she had, by that time officially left the building.
And so it was,after 2 hours the room was finished, and one sleepy kitten who by that time had crawled out of my pocket and curled himself somewhat precariously on my shoulder had become my work mate and a cat called Sammy.[;)]
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Post by Skippy » Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:56 pm
What a lovely story Cazlizzy! It's strange how they get to your isn't it? We got Harry from a charity last year after he'd been on the website for a few months. I'd fallen in love with him from the minute I first saw his picture!

BTW, of course I want to get to know you as well as Sammy!


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Post by kallis3 » Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:08 pm
He sounds lovely cazlizzy.
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Post by cazlizzy » Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:23 pm
Aww thanks Skippy;) that harry in you pic ?..hes a handsome guy;)

..and yes kallis the old guy is. he is not pedigree..though him mum has Persian he is long furred, and Smokey Grey. Odd cat really....maybe his beginnings, he was much younger than we were told and not properly weened, so a week or so of hand feeding..and a lot of 'in the pocket' journeys with he thinks he is human...[:D] despite that..he turned into a cat that dislikes being picked up and never, ever sits on my knee or allows me to stroke him.[:(] We keep telling him when he is not here anymore, we are going to get a proper cat...haha
He is deaf too...we discovered that when he was still a young cat..doesn't seem to affect him though.
All that said though...he is well into old age now..and has never been more that a foot away from me when I am home.
If I move...he moves...if he is feeding and I leave the room...he follows...and he sleeps on the bottom of my bed.
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Post by Skippy » Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:28 pm
Yep, that's Harry Puss, my surrogate baby, in the picture! He won't sit on my lap and bites and scratches me, but I love him to bits despite the scars!


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Post by Julie » Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:33 am
Welcome to the forum Sammy.....and cazlizzy [:D] These pasky cats seem to rule our lives eh [:)] I had a phobia of cats for over 30 years and I mean a serious phobia, couldn't walk down the street if I saw I have 2 of the darlings.......well one lady "Teide" and a mischevious cat who's a law unto himself "Latchford".

Glad you checked the sex of your Sammy straight away, we were told Latch was a girl and took "her" in at 3 weeks old. Only after hubby was worried about 2 little lumps, that after a lot of prodding, he convinced himdself the kitten had tumours that we went to the vets. Only to be told the lumps were a clear indication our little girl was a BOY [:I]........ I'm sure hubby's prodding has something to do with why Latch keeps peeing over anything and everything even though its 6 yrs on [;)] Revenge methinks [:D]


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Post by tori » Thu Mar 12, 2009 11:36 am
[:D]Your cat sounds adorable Cazlizzy..a warm welcome to you both[:)]xx
please visit my blog a second chance..


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Post by cazlizzy » Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:01 pm
Hi Tori. [:)] Thank you for the welcome and adorable is not quite my description at the momnent. Just come in from work to find he has got to the post before me....and decided it is much nicer than the eco friendly cat litter in his tray.[:(] Fortunately the local newspaper took most of the damage. He must have heard me saying it was all it was useful for. [;)]

Hi Swansea. [:)] Good job you got over your phobia because despite their Habits I always feel a house is not quite a home without a cat.[:)]

Will chat again and thank you for the warm welcome :)
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Post by kallis3 » Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:23 pm
Have to disagree there cazlizzy - our house is cat free, but we have two lovely dogs and that's what makes our house a home!

Wouldn't dare have a cat anyway as our one dog would think it was a snack!
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Post by debtmountain » Thu Mar 12, 2009 6:51 pm
Hi cazlizzy and Sammy puss,,welcome from me too,[:D]..aww, sounds like Sammy got bored waiting for you to come home so to save you some time, he decided to do his own cat litter,intelligent cat eh!![;)]..there are quite a few intelligent cats on here mind you,harry puss being one of them,so Sammy is going to be in good company[:D].no doubt you will be introduced sometime to all of them.[;)]...anyway,hope you have a lovely evening,just noticed you have a blog so going to have a read of it later...take care ..xx[:)]
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Post by cazlizzy » Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:39 pm
Ah Kallis forgot to mention you can do this:

** I always feel a house is not quite a home without a < insert pet here>.** [:D][:D]

Hi LadyH [:)] - oh hes was a beautiful cat you must miss him.[:(] He looks a lot like Sammy's mother, 'cept she was chocolate brown.

Hi DebtMountain [:)] Oh hes a a soft old thing really....getting a bit frail now though, though they never look old do they.
Oh my if you go to the Blog you may be there a while, I do talk far too much and as my family often ask...." do we really need to know ALL that info?" haha

Best wishes to you all from me and Himself.[:D]
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