I started an IVA in 2019 due to historic debts, it was the easiest option at the time.
We've been fairly lucky with housing, I was with the same LA in my first property and then we had to move to a second property but this was with the same LA. Due to this, our application was rushed and the credit checks etc went fine.
We're now facing another section 21, the landlord is selling.
My biggest concern is my IVA, due to how few properties are on the market we're VERY unlikely to stay with the current LA. They haven't had any rentals up for months. Which means approaching different agents whilst on an IVA.
On paper, we're well placed - 40k/PA between me and my parter with a good history of rent payments. But I'm really worried about how my IVA will be seen on any new applications and the loss of fees due to being declined.
Any advise on how to place this would be welcome, and experienced with LA's on an IVA.
Direct landlords probably wouldn't be an option, there's a huge shortage of housing where I live and even finding a rental is a huge task no less getting approved on an IVA plus how competitive this is now.
Sorry ^ just to add my partner is min wage full time with my incoming making up 70 + % of the combined, so it's very likely the application will need to be in my name to meet requirements.
Private landlords are usually a better bet as they don't normally do credit checks. Get a letter from your current landlord confirming that your rent payments are always on time. Hopefully this will help.
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt
The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.
Bob Marley. http://kallis3.blogs.iva.co.uk
Hi I private rent through a letting agency and when I informed them about me being in a iva they told the landlady and she was absolutely fine about it but asked if I could have a guarantor which luckily my husbands father did for us but we always pay our rent every month with no issues. As long as your upfront about it at the beginning looks better on yourself before they do any credit checks etc. Hope you find somewhere