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Post by » Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:52 am
I don't think I can cope with this worry and stress much more.I am waking waking up each day shaking and feeling sick and just don't know where to turn. I can't speak to my sister anymore as she has troubles of her own. I have never felt so depressed and unhappy. I am going to see my gp this week to get some anti depressants. I can't do this on my own.


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Post by ashb » Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:55 am
Hi Denise

You have done the right thing contacting the forum. You havent explained the reasons why you are in this situation, most experts here will gladly help you and if its about debt then you are not alone but you will be able to manage. Please try and describe your problem and others will respond.

Adam Davies

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Post by Adam Davies » Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:59 am
Hi Denise

Please try and post more details, many on here have been where you are now and can offer support and advice

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Post by » Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:39 am
Hi I have posted before, sorry I didnt put any detail on this post. My profile picture has changed for some reason. Yes it's to do with 37k worth of unsecured debt. The forum has been so helpful so far but I just reached a point over the weekend and today where I just can't see a way out of this and I am trying to cope with this completely on my own now. I am hopefully speaking to tina at Melanie Giles at lunchtime but I just feel completely lost and I don't think I have the strength to cope with much more


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Post by MrsR » Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:52 am
Hi Denise,

Their is always a solution to any problem.

You have taken the first step by realising you need support, and the next step of contacting an IP is the best thing you could have done.

Tina is very good at listening and has been their for many of us, who have been exactly where you are right now.

Once you speak with Tina, she will discuss all your options with you, and is always happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Please try to not worry- easier said than done I know- because worrying will make you ill, which is never good!

I hope your call goes well.
Started IVA 27th Feb 2012 - Due to complete 27th Jan 2018 !!

Full & Final submitted and accepted 30th March 2015, paid 10th April 2015 - 3 yrs 1 month into IVA :)

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Post by abbiesmum2003 » Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:58 am
Denise is this the start of your journey? Are you deciding what to do about finances? Sorry if in other posts...ive scrolled back and couldnt see previous posts. Im glad to see you are going to speak to Tina...thats the best start and youve found this forum. She will talk you through all your options and i am sure will put your mind at rest. Mels team are very helpful. They wont judge or pressure you.
Myself and husband looked at finances recently. Always had seperate accounts snd didnt realise how bad things had got...we had accumulated a lit more debt than you have.
We found this forum...spoke to Mel and got our IVA agreed a few weeks ago. It was the best thing weve ever done and the relief is such a weight off our shoulders. No more creditor phone calls, letters, demands, bills. We have one affordable payment...bit like a 5/6 year loan but at an affordable and fair rate. We are repaying as much as we can afford but also have a life back.
Mels team are one of the best and I am sure after speaking to Tina you will know you are in good hands. I read you are going to the GP...that is a good step too. There is more to life than the stress that finances can bring and once you get those in order and maybe GP will start a medication for you things will be much clearer.
Please dont let everything get on top of you. There is lots of excellent advice on here from very knowledgable people and theres not much that someone hasnt come across. Mels team are also easily contactable so whenever youve got a question someone will be around to answer.
I hope you have a good chat today and we see a post from you later.
Sorry for the long post!!!


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Post by Hyperdrive » Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:20 am
I can relate to the stress and anxiety Denise, as I`m sure others on here can too. I was at a point where I hated waking up, the worries would fill my head from the first second.
Anti depressants worked for me though I`d never had them before, and if I`m honest thought people who took them were somehow weak. They provided me with security and a sense of calmness needed to tackle and solve my money problems.
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Post by Kelly O » Mon Apr 22, 2013 11:12 am
I have spoken to Tina today and understand that you have a call booked with her later today. Tina is fantastic and you will feel so much better after you have spoken to her :-)
Regards Kelly Osadare Debt Advice Manager at (host to

PJG Recovery have a free online advice channel at If you are ready to ask us for specific advice or help, then get in touch at . I look forward to speaking to you.

Tina Shortland

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Post by Tina Shortland » Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:08 pm
Hi I am still waiting on you to come back to me to confirm your number as the number I called at our appopintment time is coming up as unrecognisable. If you pick this up before my email to you please only provide your contact number via email, not on here.

Look forward to speaking with you soon to help you get things sorted.

Regards, Tina Shortland, Debt Advisory Manager for Melanie Giles at Debt Advice TV.

If you’re looking for effective debt related information, articles and news, then go now to our on-line advice service at

If you’re ready to ask us for specific advice or help, then get in touch at so you can start to free yourself from the stress and anxiety of overwhelming debt.

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Post by » Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:10 pm
Hi tina I have just tried to text u my mob no and have also emailed it to you again. Denise

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Post by » Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:18 pm
Sorry everyone for continuing rambles on here. Things have just come to massive head and am trying to sort it out on my own for the past few weeks whilst being unwell but I am just getting myself more worked up and anxious and I'll. OllI wish I could confide in my mum. But I can't. I feel like I am going crazy. Hopefully the tablets will kick in soon. I still don't think I will be accepted for an iva due to the equity in my house. I just feel like I am drowning. Thanks tina for texting me back. Will get back to you with a date and time. Sorry for all this. I just don't have anyone else to talk to mow

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Post by » Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:16 pm
It would be so much easier if I had someone to share this with from my family, but that is never going to happen. I just feel so alone. Sorry, I am in a bit of a state today, and this is the only place I can be honest and open. I know I have to get a grip big time, and if I am not careful I am going to make myself ill. I just cant see a way out of this, I am stuck in a situation which just seems to have brick walls every which way I turn.


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Post by luluj » Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:27 pm
You can always share your concerns with us ...alot of us are email friends too off forum and communicate socially ...just say the word. In the mean make time to speak with Tina very soon so that you can get the ball rolling. I know you have concerns over speling to someone whilst your mum is about, but maybe your sister could come and it with her whilst you grasp that need to make that call and I promise after doing so some of the fog will lift and you begin to see a way forward x
Sharing from experiences of dealing with debt

There is a solution for everyone .... Just need to stay positive !

Look at my blog "All I wanted was a baby"

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Post by » Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:40 pm
Thank Lulu, I am getting so mad at myself. I stupidly gave Tina a wrong digit on my mobile so that's why I didn't get to speak to her today. I sat in my car in a supermarket car park and just cried for an hour out of frustration. And I stupidly didn't take a note of her number either so that I could text her to find out where she was. Its my fault and it was a golden opportunity today. Am going to speak to her on Weds lunchtime now. Its so difficult for me to get someone to take my mum out, my sister is going through a really bad situation at home, and the rest of my family have no idea of my problems. One of my brothers is in a really bad place and my mum is so worried about him that I cant bear to put any more pressure on her. I don't want to clog up this forum with my tales of woe and so if anyone wants to contact me outside of this forum, I would be more than happy. The ironic thing is one of my strength is offering advice and support to people, but I cant use those skills to help me. I promise if anyone wants to be in touch, it will be a two way process, and I will be there for you too. Sorry for the doom and gloom, and I know you have all been there. I just feel so alone.


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Post by MrsR » Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:02 pm
We are all here Denise, and have all been through the worry and frustration that overhanging debt can cause.

I am almost 15 mths into my IVA, and to be honest, the IVA and work are the only things going right in my life at the moment, which is very different to how things were 17 mths ago.

You need to find someone to talk to, and we are people that you really can talk to. Being worried an IVA won't be accepted is a natural worry, and only my in laws know about our IVA - nobody else, but we dont talk about it, as we think of it as a 72 month loan we are paying back !

One thing I will say is that every month of worry and not sorting our a solution to your problem, is another month that you will be filled with worry. The sooner you decide on the best path for you, the sooner your journey can begin and your life can get back on track!!
Started IVA 27th Feb 2012 - Due to complete 27th Jan 2018 !!

Full & Final submitted and accepted 30th March 2015, paid 10th April 2015 - 3 yrs 1 month into IVA :)

Completion Certificate received- 30th April 2015!!
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