my news as promised

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Post by freelili » Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:08 pm
Last Saturday, went to our town with my daughter, got biliary collic the dreaded, horriblness that has took over my life for the last two years... the swine, had to come back.

Monday went to docs moaning about the pain, she gave some kick ass pain pills, like errr what planet am I on, you get the picture and some anti spasmotics, doing Ok on them, have to say.

Tuesday, went out with ugs, I mean sisters, caught up on family news, I cant remember any so must have been boring.

Wednesday = Mom in law fell over taken to hospital with suspected broken elbow, not a terribly good day,

Thursday uneventful.

Weekend, chilled out, not done much really.

Monday, yesterday, man came, whats his face, surveyor. Told he has some issues, may have to move out, couldnt really care less. What will be will be, anyway, apparently they knew the house had subsidence, had it all done before I moved here. The work is still under guaruntee, so bob the builder has to come round and reassess. Stairs are falling down so they need doing. Also the doors do not close and the planks of my beautiful wooden floor are kind of vertical, so thats about all the proof they needed.

Took my kids out last night for a meal took the mom in law also, she is still in loads of pain so I said I was taking her back to the hospital today.

Drove 45 mins to pick her up, weather OK, drove another 40 mins to hosptal, parked in a beautiful off road space with no parking fees. Sat in A and E, right by the outer door, weather turned vile, stupid automatic doors kept on opening, blasted with syberia every few mins. Got seen two and a half hours later, still frozen solid. They said nothing broken but were concerned so they are having her back next week in the fracture clinic to check on progress. Had to walk back to the car and pick her up, jeans sodden, we were starved, drove into town and murdered two toasted tea cakes and the best cup of tea ever. Then people seemed to be pulling out in front of me all the way back, in rush hour traffic in the pouring rain. For some stupid, spiteful, hateful reason my indicators have developed a life of their own, they just come on, no warning. If mother in law could just stop yakking, I may have noticed but hell no. I love her to bits, I really do but if I could just get my hands on some shut your gob pills....just for five minutes. Anyway dont know what the hell is going on there. You know these passengers that try to help??? You know by looking left and right for you but getting in the flippin way?? Needless to say I had a headache when I got back but I am still sane, just.

So how is everyone?? Kallis losing? Skippys mom sorted yet? Fergie not flumping. Wizz, how is Wizz? Mrs skint? Tori, debtmountin, Julie and all of you?

Hope you are all [:D]

Lots of love
Last edited by freelili on Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by emma_t » Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:29 pm
Flippin heck Lily, what a week!!

You are so kind and giving and I hope you have people to look after you also[:)]

Hope to see you soon and hope your health soon improves and things get better xx

Love and Best wishes
Em x
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Post by freelili » Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:41 pm
I am Ok Em, really, I just dread the colic but its not all the time just gets me sometimes. These new anti colic thingies have really helped. Oh, forgot to mention, my gorgeous munchy, cuddly Cole had to go to the vet with a poorly leg but is getting better now.

I am having my munchkin on Saturday for the day, my DOL is bringing him, she is going with her brother and my son to see Southampton play the scum. I have been ordered to get a high chair for him to give him his nummy nummies. (derrr like I have never fed a baby before) As it happens my freind runs a day care centre and is lending me one.

Mind you when DOL and her brother come back I am so putting a bowl outside full of sheep dip so they can be clensed before re-entering the house. My son, the babys Daddy, is going with them but is worried as I told him last night I might not be able to bring myself to speak to him after going there.

I asked God for an answer, I have to live with his reply.
Exsisto an angelus quod planto quispiam sentio melior.

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Post by flumpy dog » Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:57 pm
aw lil
you are truly an angel
all the C**P life throws at you and you still are so giving with your time to others-like last night with pap
it was just like me again last october
you are a dear sweet person
lots of luv n bestest wishes hun the flumpy doggy x [:o)]


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Post by Lisa2009 » Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:18 am
Hi lily, good to see you still have your sense of humour.
I'm ok, not feeling quite as low as i was.

I think i have Bronchitis again so going to ring GP tomorrow before i end up getting carted off in an ambulance like the last time.

Aren't we a right pair?? lol xxxxx 'Our Story'

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Post by freelili » Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:25 am
Hiya hun, the way I see it, if you laugh or cry life will still throw ****e at you at times so you might as well smile.

My mom in law is a dear person and I think she isnt healing as well beacause she is greiving hun. Lost her hubby last month, she is still dealing with all that horrid paperwork. Stress doesnt help with healing does it? She needs lots of hugs and well if you cant give a hug to someone in that situation then youre a very sad person indeed. I took her out with us for my sons birthday, we have a giggle. She does prefer me to take her to these things, I never tell her what to do I just listen.

This scottish nurse didnt want to know but did get the physio (oooh, drop dead gorgeous he was too) then the consultant came and he listened to her. So we just scored them all out of ten, she gave the consultant a 9ish but he was way too old for me. Anyway we had a giggle, when we had thawed out.

I honestly dont think she is on the planet right now, she just seems so inwardly stressed which is proberbly why she fell over in the first place. She has never lived alone, so she isnt going to find it easy. She is very dependant right now and I am quite happy to be a carer until she finds her own way forward.

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Post by freelili » Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:30 am
Yes hun, I vowed I would go in when I got another attack and did I?? Hell no.

I hope youre going to be feeling better soon, thinking of you.

I was watching that Jade goody thing, isnt life sad?? I have never been a fan but I had to find something to watch. Anyway I cried my eyeballs out for her, poor thing, and those little boys....I felt well and trully lucky. She gets my respect.

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Post by tori » Wed Mar 04, 2009 8:24 am
Hi Lily, it's really lovely to hear from sorry to hear about your mum-in law and the collic, but as ever you sound so upbeat and positive which i so admire - and you're always there for others no matter what is going on in your life.. Anyway, i hope you're feeling better soon..i am good thanks! finally seem to be on the right track and heading in the right direction - so yeah everything's great!..hope to hear from you again soon..look after yourself and take care.xxxx
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Post by Julie » Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:54 am
Hi Lily,

Even though you're having a rough time you still make me smile with your words [:)] I can relate to the sheep dip....I'll be needing some of that myself when we play our local rivals [:D][:D]

Bet you can't wait to have your little cherub for the day [:)]

Take care and keep in touch xx


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Post by Charles » Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:48 am
Had to laff at the sheep dip etc., I am a technophobe and when it comes to using shortcuts like text messaging etc...... what are ugs freelili, really made me laff??, you are a trooper I have to say!



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Post by freelili » Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:05 am
Hi there Charles, I love that name by the way.

Its my word for my ugly sisters, a term of endearment of course.

My kids will say, are you going out with the ugs today mum?

Dont even talk about abbreviated text messages. Oooo does that annoy me like mad. My daughter uses stupid things like I will be L8 (late). Once the entire messge was abbreviations, so I abbreviated right back. DKWTFHYOA (dont know what the flipping hell youre on about)so I am not going to answer until you speak English. She does now, I can cope with C U later though, just.

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Post by kallis3 » Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:00 pm
Hi Lily,

Sorry, only just caught up with this. It's been a busy couple of days with dog being spayed and dad having hernia's done!

I am still losing, just shy of 4 stone now. If we meet again at another FF meeting, you won't recognise me!

Sorry to hear about your colic - I had that three years ago, it's agony isn't it? I had Tramadol to take, they're great, take the pain away and you haven't a clue what planet you are on!

I hope the rest of this week goes ok Lily, you could do with a break!
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Post by freelili » Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:29 pm
Thank you Kallis.

Yes colic is horrible, its my only real fear, I have tramadol for it but hopefully these anti spasmotics will keep it at bay.

Blimey 4 stone, thats very good, you seem to be a lot more positive now about it. The spring is almost here too, so the new you this summer will be beautiful I am sure.

The week has been OK, just wrote a little letter to the council re the structural repairs, even though I have spoken verbally to them. I thought clarification in writing might just shift their backsides. I hate being in limbo, so I need to know whats going to happen to us, where they will put us and for how long. I was reading their decent homes policy last night, I think they may be in breech of it. I dont want to argue with them, at the same time I am not going to sit back and watch wheels stop turning for a few months, so hopefully things will be settled and we will be sorted out very soon.

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Post by kallis3 » Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:59 pm
What a pain with your house! My parents had something similar a few years ago with subsidence and they moved whilst it was fixed and then moved back in again.

I hope you get something sorted soon.

As to me being beautiful in the summer - I wish![:D] That's one thing I've never been![:D][:D]
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Post by debtmountain » Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:07 pm
Hi Lily,..crikey!!,what a week you've had,but it's lovely to hear from you and I hope this is going to be a weekly treat for us all to see how you're getting on,it's like reading one of the blogs[:D].and you have such a lovely sense of humour!!no matter what you're going through you always seem positive and upbeat which is lovely to see!!..I'm sorry to hear about your mother in law,I really feel for her right now with what she's going through,glad she has you though to give her some hugs[:)]..sorry to hear that you have colic as well and hope you feel better soon..also sorry to hear about Cole,poor puddycat,but glad he's recovering!!..hope you get the subsidence sorted as well very soon...I'm fine now and thankyou for asking...anyway,take care of yourself and hope to hear from you soon..xx

Jan, well done to you on losing 4 stone[:0], you're doing so well!!..[:)]

Mrs S,..sorry you're not well, let's hope it's not bronchitis and that you will start feeling better very soon..take care..xx[:)]
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